June 10, 2023 OceanWP Pro v3.4.5 (Ocean Extra v2.1.8 + Pro Demos v1.4.6 + All Addons Pack) Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme – Download Free OceanWP – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme + Premium Extensions v3.4.5 1.1 CUSTOM SECTIONS 1.2 CUSTOM PAGE LAYOUT 1.3 OCEAN ELEMENTOR WIDGETS 1.4 NO CODING SKILLS REQUIRED 1.5 GLOBAL FONTS & TYPOGRAPHY 1.6 GLOBAL SITE LAYOUTS 1.7 7 CUSTOMIZABLE HEADER STYLES 1.8 TOP BAR 1.9 3 MOBILE MENU STYLES 2 OceanWP Addons List 3 Changelog OceanWP Pro Nulled Download Free OceanWP – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme + Premium Extensions v3.4.5 OceanWP – Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Free Download 3.4.5- OceanWP | OceanWP v3.4.5- Free Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme + Premium Extensions is the perfect subject. Lightweight and very extendable, it will enable you to build almost any kind of website with a beautiful and professional design, such as a blog, portfolio, business website and a WooCommerce shop. Very quick, sensitive, ready to translate, better SEOs, unique features for WooCommerce and much more. RTL & translation You can also edit the tablet & smartphone settings so that every device has its site good looking. oceanwp-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Lots of developers, website designers, eCommerce owners and consumers of hobby have a favorite range of OceanWP Nulled Package. CUSTOM SECTIONS Creating individual headers, footers and pieces. Easy deployment at global as well as individual page levels. CUSTOM PAGE LAYOUT With a few easy clicks, manage page layout, disable or enable theme parts. OCEAN ELEMENTOR WIDGETS Does your content need extra widgets?? OceanWP Core Extensions Bundle Nulled comes packed with some really cool options and functionality. NO CODING SKILLS REQUIRED Every configuration reaches you! Your website is controlled – not otherwise. GLOBAL FONTS & TYPOGRAPHY Put in all parts of your favorite colors, or select from 100 built in Google fonts. Various typographical settings for each area and segment. GLOBAL SITE LAYOUTS As you are, your website ought to be exclusive. Several pages, blogs, shops, blog posts, products and other settings are completely free. 7 CUSTOMIZABLE HEADER STYLES Choose from 7 completely free header types, including a clear header, or build a custom header by necessity! Change global and individual header types, or post-level styles. TOP BAR Enable additional features such as the social menu or an additional menu in the top bar area. 3 MOBILE MENU STYLES That’s right! That’s right! The OceanWP theme Nulled comes in 3 distinct mobile menu types, independent of the header design. OceanWP Addons List Oceanwp v3.4.3 ocean-extra-2.1.6 Pro Demos v1.4.4 ocean-cookie-notice-2.0.4 ocean-woo-popup-2.0.4 ocean-white-label-2.0.0 ocean-sticky-header-2.0.6 ocean-sticky-footer-2.0.3 ocean-side-panel-2.0.6 ocean-pro-demos-1.4.3 ocean-portfolio-2.1.1 ocean-popup-login-2.1.4 ocean-instagram-1.2.0 ocean-hooks-2.0.2 ocean-elementor-widgets-v2.3.6 Ocean Gutenberg Blocks v1.1.3 Ocean Instagram v.1.2.0 oceanwp-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Demo https://oceanwp.org/ Changelog OceanWP Pro Nulled ### 2023.02.22 – 3.4.2 Improved: Customizer: Customizer panel scrollbar width for some browsers, like Chrome and Edge. Fixed: OceanWP Panel: Potential vulnerability patch: Patchstack report #2023-23700. Fixed: Posts: Link post format: External link option doesn’t function. Fixed: WooCommerce: Option to remove product category description with custom code doesn’t function. Fixed: WooCommerce: Option to remove cart collaterals from the cart with custom code doesn’t function. Fixed: WooCommerce: Option to remove upsell section from the single product page with custom code doesn’t function. Fixed: Customizer: Some controls display incorrect output. Example, instead of a functional link, html is displayed. Fixed: Customizer: General Options: Performance: SVG icons: Disable / Enable buttons action misconfigured. ### 2023.01.11 – 3.4.1 Fixed: Customizer: Footer Bottom: Copyright text applied color settings do not function. ### 2023.01.10 – 3.4.0 Added: Customizer: SEO Settings: Quick access link to configure breadcrumb settings. Added: Customizer: Customizer Control: Info control. Tweak: Customizer: Enable Schema option moved to General Options > SEO Settings for improved UX (previously General Options > General Settings). Tweak: Customizer: Opengraph section and options moved to General Options > SEO Settings for improved UX (previously General Options > General Settings). Tweak: Accessibility: Footer bottom: Default copyright text color changed to white (#fff) for increased contrast. Updated: SEO: Search Icon URLs following Google’s latest Lighthouse (PSI) changes. Updated: Language: OceanWP .pot file. Fixed: WooCommerce: Mini Cart: Occassional flashing of the mini cart on various conditions (quick view, single product removal, first product add, etc.). Fixed: WooCommerce: Login Register option. Fixed: WooCommerce: Add to Cart Ajax: Change button text when product removed from the cart. Fixed: Compatibility: Visual Composer: hoverbox link doesn’t function. Fixed: Compatibility: Elementor: Single Post: Full Width Layout: distorted sections and columns configuration settings display on the backend. Fixed: Compatibility: Elementor: Single Post: Full Width Layout: increased paragraph margins display on the frontend. Fixed: OceanWP Panel: submenu item links in WP Dashboard don’t function if OceanWP Panel already open. Fixed: Customizer: Header: Medium: Hide menu on hover option conditional logic: Display option only when Ocean Sticky Header active. Fixed: Customizer: Header: Medium: Stick only the menu option conditional logic: Display option only when Ocean Sticky Header active. ### 2022.11.9 – 3.3.6 Added: Header: Full Screen Header: Customizer Settings: Icon size for the Hamburger menu. Added: Filter: Comment Date: ocean_comment_date_format. Added: Filter: Infinite Scroll: oceanwp_infinite_scroll_output. Added: Filter: Post date format: ocean_get_post_date_format. Added: Filter: Post date arguments: ocean_get_post_date_args. Added: Filter: Modified date format: ocean_get_post_modified_date_format. Added: WooCommerce: Store Notice: Style and Typography options. Moved: Customizer: Disable svg icon option from General Options > Theme Icons to General Options > Performance tab. Fixed: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Product hover style: Products image from the gallery aren’t cropped. Fixed: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Infinite Scroll: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘querySelectorAll’ on ‘Document’. Fixed: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Active color settings not applied for the second view products option. Fixed: WooCommerce: Multistep Checkout: Next and prev buttons are not working. Fixed: WooCommerce: Multistep Checkout: On the next step, the page doesn’t scroll to top. Fixed: WooCommerce: Customizer: Star Color: Live preview for star color rating doesn’t function. Fixed: Blog: Single Post: Comment Date: The date format for comments doesn’t follow general website settings. Fixed: Blog: Single Post: Header Style: Screen: Mobile typography settings not applied. Fixed: Customizer: Typography: Host Google fonts locally options displayed when Ocean Extra not installed. Fixed: Customizer: Typography: Font subset selection doesn’t function. Fixed: Customizer: Typography: Font subset selection doesn’t save. Fixed: Customizer: Settings not saved in the custom-style.css file when Custom Location option enabled. Fixed: Compatibility: Germanized for WooCommerce: Shopmarks position and display based on settings. Fixed: Compatibility: Woo Variation Swatches: Images cropping settings not applied when this plugin is in use. ### 2022.09.14 – 3.3.5 * **Fixed**: WooCommerce: 6.9 compatibility patch: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_filter(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array. ### 2022.08.09 – 3.3.4 * **NEW**: Admin Settings section in OceanWP Panel. * **Added**: Social Menu for Header and Top Bar: Discord option. * **Improved**: Typography: Font front-end rendering when Load Google Fonts From Site option enabled. * **Tweak**: Option to install OceanWP Child Theme moved to Ocean Extra plugin. * **Tweak**: Typography: Host Google Fonts Locally option moved to Ocean Extra plugin. * **Tweak**: Typography: Default OceanWP front-end font changed to Arial (previously Open Sans) following WordPress GDPR recommendations. * **Fixed**: Mobile Header: Search Icon: Search on tablet and mobile not responding. * **Removed**: HTML5 dependacies for IE8. ### 2022.06.14 – 3.3.3 * **Added**: Accessibility: WooCommerce: Single Product: Aria labels for product navigation. * **Added**: Accessibility: WooCommerce: Single Product: Related Products: Aria label for product quick view. * **Added**: Accessibility: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Aria label for product quick view. * **Fixed**: Blog: Single Post: Page Header: Incorrect author and author avatar url. * **Fixed**: My Library: Custom Template: dyanamic blocks not rendering in custom template. * **Fixed**: Compatibility: Visual Composer: tabs and accordion don’t function. * **Fixed**: Shortcode: [oceanwp_icon]: some icons are not appearing when using the icons shortcode. * **Fixed**: Mobile Header: Mobile Search Icon: Uncaught TypeError when mobile search option is disabled. * **Fixed**: Customizer: Responsive Buttons Positions. * **Updated**: Template: woocommerce/owp-archive-hover.php. ### 2022.06.01. – 3.3.2 * **Fixed**: Fixed: Custom Templates: Conditional logic for Elementor plugin causing Fatal Error. ### 2022.06.01.- 3.3.1 * **Fixed**: Notice: “We made changes to our theme panel” cannot be dismissed if child theme in use. * **Fixed**: Custom Templates: Content display issues when templates used on Elementor pages. * **Fixed**: Compatibility: Klaviyo: PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_options(). * **Fixed**: Compatibility: AMP: menu dropdowns do not function. * **Fixed**: Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by… oceanwp/inc/helpers.php.4904 ### 2022.05.25. – 3.3.0 * **New**: OceanWP Theme Panel * **Added**: WooCommerce: Menu Cart: checkout button border color settings in the Customizer. * **Updated**: OceanWP About URI. * **Fixed**: Top Bar: extra bottom margin on the wrapper. * **Fixed**: Header: Minimal Header style padding affecting other header styles (inner padding). * **Fixed**: Blog: Single Post: Comments: previous comment option not working. * **Fixed**: My Library: custom template render issues with custom locations. * **Fixed**: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Add to Wishlist button display issue. * **Fixed**: WooCommerce: Product Archive: Hover Style: Add to Cart button text not changing after adding the product to the cart. * **Fixed**: WooCommerce: Off-Canvas Filter: display issues with Transparent Header style. * **Removed**: WooCommerce: Search Results Page: product number display option. * **Removed**: Outdated non-standard CSS #349 oceanwp-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip 1,063 Business Corporate