March 29, 2023 WP Adminify Pro v3.1.6 Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Free – WP Adminify Pro Nulled Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Free Download WP Adminify Pro v3.1.6 Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Download 2 WP Adminify Pro Free Download Link 2.1 WHY USE WP ADMINIFY? 2.1.1 EASY TO IMPLEMENT 2.1.2 BUILT FOR SPEED 2.1.3 COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE 3 WP Adminify Pro Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Nulled Changelog WP Adminify Pro v3.1.6 Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Download WP Adminify Pro nulled enhances the WordPress Dashboard Customization journey. It comes with 20+ modules, such as Media Folder, Login Customizer, Menu Editor, Admin Columns, Activity Logs, Disable Admin Notice, WordPress White Label, Admin Page, Google Pagespeed Insights, Custom CSS/JS, and many more. It can be your best choice because of its Multiple Dashboard UI Templates and lightweight size (4MB). WP Adminify Pro Free Download Link WP Adminify Pro Nulled comes with some pre-built Template for your Dashboard. With a single click, you can change the entire color scheme of your WordPress Admin area. It has a perfect setup wizard, where you can enable or disable all necessary modules, define your website’s logo, and more. WHY USE WP ADMINIFY? EASY TO IMPLEMENT At WP Adminify Pro Nulled, we believe that building interactive pages should be easy for Elementor users. So, we have made adding any elements just a matter of a click. You just need to toggle the element you want to add, and you’re all set for adding it wherever you want in your page. BUILT FOR SPEED We have created WP Adminify Pro NULLED with performance in mind. With WP Adminify, you can load the exact elements you need on the page and not the entire script so the page load faster. We have taken extreme care to ensure there are no bloating of unnecessary codes which can slow down your website. And we’re continuously working on the development to ensure you get an awesome experience using our addon for Elementor. COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE The plugin is customizable by providing every element with lots of option to control every possible thing. You have the power to customize the blocks as per your choice. Demo WP Adminify – Custom Login, Admin Dashboard, Admin Columns | White Label | Media Library Folders WP Adminify Pro Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Nulled Changelog 3.1.2 (22-03-2023) Fixed: Call to undefined method Freemius_Api_WordPress::RemoteRequest() PHP fatal error issue fixed Fixed: Custom CSS active sub menu color and menu background color not working issue fixed 3.1.1 (13-03-2023) Fixed: User restriction issue fixed for Multisite. Fixed: wp_localize_script object name conflict issue fixed on error-log.js Fixed: WP Memory Usage dashboard widget ‘failed to read’ issue fixed Fixed: “Phlox WordPress Theme” & “Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks” plugins support for hidden adminbar issue fixed Fixed: Freemius SDK updated Fixed: Freemius color issues fixed both on light and dark mode wp Fixed: All in One WP Migration plugin conflict with Sub Menu hover background issue fixed Fixed: WP Beta 6.2 welcome widget display fixed Fixed: Logo text in dark/light mode issue fixed (05-01-2023) Fixed: schedule post broken issue fixed Fixed: Style and Script tag missing on Custom Header & Footer script issue fixed 3.1.0 (04-01-2023) Fixed: Dashboard left menu hover color issue fixed in dark mode Fixed: Dashboard dismiss notice icon padding issue fixed Fixed: Network site broken html and style issue fixed with free version Fixed: Adminar search menu icon position issue related to dark mode is fixed Fixed: Adminar Menu freezing issue fixed that’s created by profile settings. Fixed: Dashboard body font selection not working issue fixed Fixed: Rounded vertical menu color & bg color issue fixed Fixed: Dark mode color picker issue fixed Fixed: Adminify logo alignment issue fixed Fixed: Adminbar & Menu Settings default options value saving to DB issue is fixed. Fixed: welcome header link color issue fixed for v6.1. Fixed: Dashboard menu hover color issue fixed in Dark mode. Fixed: Woocommerce menu hide after scroll issue fixed Fixed: Adminbar items alignment issue fixed New: Sticky option added to AdminBar settings. 3.0.9 (22-12-2022) Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS “shell_exec” warning issued fixed Fixed: Login Customizer Custom CSS and JS saving issue fixed Fixed: Menu editor custom icon upload issue fixed and phpcbf ran Update: fixed php 8.1 compatibility issue Fixed: fixed Block Editor Background color palete button transparent issue Fixed: admin footer text displaying issue fixed Fixed: php warning fixed from dismis_notic Fixed: removed tags from code editor and upgrade feature added Fixed: upgrade functionality added for LoginCustomizer Fixed: updraftplus modal input field style conflict issue fixed Fixed: folder responsive issue fixed Fixed: Typo fixed of a settings under Schedule Dark Mode Fixed: User role based admin page display issue fixed Fixed: Welcome Widget by Elementor broken issue fixed Updated: Freemius SDK updated 3.0.8 (25-11-2022) Fixed: Security bug fixed Fixed: Login Customizer CSS & JS not saving issue fixed Fixed: Freemius SDK updated Fixed: Simple Line Icons not loading issue fixed Fixed: Undefined index “hidden_for” error issue fixed on Menu Editor 3.0.7 (20-11-2022) Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS error issue fixed Fixed: Converter for Media plugin (REST API disable) issue fixed: 3.0.6 (16-11-2022) Fixed: Login Background not changing issue fixed Fixed: Round Menu background issue Fixed: Admin Pages menu not showing issue fixed 3.0.5 (31-10-2022) Added: Duplicate Post controler options for post types not working issue fixed Fixed: Security issues has been fixed Added: Github Source Code added on readme 3.0.4 (26-10-2022) Fixed: Menu Editor ‘render_menu_editor_header()’ error issue fixed = 3.0.3 (17-10-2022)= * Fixed: Folders Drag and drop issue fixed * Fixed: Missing Multisite styles for Network settings issue fixed * Fixed: Folders URL Sorting issue fixed * Fixed: Multi select items folders item moving issue fixed * Added: Copy/Move items on folders * Fixed: Dashboard Menu click issue fixed * Fixed: Comments empty content & JS link click issue * Fixed: str_contains(…) replaced by strpos(…), to provide support for older version * Fixed: check if wp version greater than or equal to 5.9 to detect block theme * Fixed: Added Unminified version for all Minified Styles/Scripts = 3.0.2 (19-09-2022)= * Fixed: Data Upgrader function working issue = 3.0.1 (19-09-2022)= * New: Menu separator added on “Menu Editor” * Fixed: Dashboard widget “Server Uptime” error issue fixed * Fixed: Admin Bar displaying broken menu items issue fixed * Fixed: Off Canvas Menu Show/Hide option added on Admin Bar Settings * Fixed: WooCommerce Admin bar not loading issue fixed * Fixed: Button Color control from settings issue fixed * Fixed: Search Bar on Admin Bar postion issue fixed * Fixed: Comet Cache Plugin top secondary menu issue fixed * Fixed: Customizer php warning issue fixed for block theme * Fixed: Added “Disable Register?” for hiding Register Option for Login Customizer. Now register and lost password show/hide can be controlled from individually. (17-07-2022)= 3.0.0 (17-07-2022)= * New: Advanced Custom Fields, Pods, Metabox, Function & Shortcodes supports added on Admin Columns * New: Added settings for “Frontend Admin Bar” to disable based on user roles * New: UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin dark mode supported * New: “Menu Editor” – Drag & Drop Custom Icon uploader added. * Fixed: Newtork Admin Sites Text visibility issue * Fixed: Woocommerce admin bar style issue fixed * Fixed: Dashboard parent menu active style (rounded) style issue * Fixed: Screen options radio checkbox checked color issue fixed on dark mode * Fixed: Media library single item button padding isue * Fixed: Background color for “change folder name” active item & rename text field background color issue fixed on dark mode * Fixed: Customize Panel Site Identy input field border style issue fixed * Fixed: Active Parent Menu rounded style conflict with ‘wishlist-member-x’ plugin * Fixed: Added white label settings for post/page thumbnail column to use custom image * Fixed: Made changeable ‘adminify’ clone text by menu label from White Label * Fixed: Dashboard widget video iframe overflow issue * Fixed: Adminify setup wizerd undefined index issue fixed * Fixed: ThirdParty Compatibility – One Click Demo Import page button style issue fixed * Fixed: Dashboard Menu all icons color same * Fixed: Font Awesome Icon applied to whole admin area, prebviously it won’t work except framework page * Fixed: Menu settings menu mode variatons issue fixed * Fixed: ProductX plugin switcher style issue fixed * Fixed: Gutenberg header settings button issue fixed * Fixed: GravityForms Header style issue fixed with scrollto Top * Fixed: UpdraftPlus Menu link – active, issue fixed * Fixed: All button same color issue fixed on editors page * Fixed: Remove Welcome Panel not working issue fixed * Fixed: Elementor Template and lightbox popup style issue resolved on Dashboard widget 95 Uncategorized