February 22, 2023 Muzak v5.6.3 – Music WordPress Theme Nulled – Muzak – Music WordPress theme Muzak v5.6.3 – Music WordPress theme Free Download 2 Features 3 Muzak – Music WordPress Theme Free Download Link 4 Changelog Muzak – Music WordPress Theme Nulled Muzak v5.6.3 – Music WordPress theme Free Download Download Free Muzak – Music WordPress theme v.5.6.3 – ThemeForest | Muzak v5.6.3 – Music WordPress theme is a professional sleek design that developed with a light weight coding and its interface helps you to easily modify your website without touching a single line of coding. Muzak WordPress Theme includes superb features such as Cross Browser Compatible | Jetpack Support | Based on Bootstrap | WPML Support | 6 Custom Post Types | Lightbox included | Page templates | Custom Audio Player | Translation files included | Multiple Color Schemes | Custom widgets… muzak-music-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Features Cross Browser Compatible Multiple Color Schemes Based on Bootstrap Translation files included WPML Support Custom Audio Player (with Icecast & Shoucast support) Jetpack Support Lightbox included Google Analytics Integration 6 Custom Post Types Discography Artists Videos Galleries Slider Tour Dates Page templates 4 Homepage Template Artists archive (+ Masonry + Isotope) Discography archive (+ Masonry + Isotope) Videos archive (+ Masonry + Isotope) Galleries archive (+ Masonry + Isotope) Tour dates template Fullwidth template Custom widgets Upcoming Events Latest Album(s) Artists Widget Album tracklisting Photo Galleries Videos Flickr widget About me widget Muzak – Music WordPress Theme Free Download Link muzak-music-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Demo https://themeforest.net/item/muzak-music-wordpress-theme/3160212 Changelog Muzak – Music WordPress Theme Nulled ** 23 January 2023 (5.6.4) ================================================================================= * FIXED: Twitter libraries would throw deprecation warnings for PHP 8.x M panel/libraries/WP_OAuth.php M panel/libraries/wp_twitteroauth.php * FIXED: Don’t show a comma between each artist’s categories. M single-cpt_artists.php * ADDED: Minified assets. A js/soundmanager2/script/mp3-player-button.min.js A js/soundmanager2/script/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.min.js A js/soundmanager2/script/soundmanager2.min.js * FIXED: Replaced aliased is_integer() with is_int() M panel/generic.php * Updated language file. M lang/en_US.mo M lang/en_US.po * CHANGED: Theme version to 5.6.4 M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss ================================================================================= ** 8 November 2022 (5.6.3) ================================================================================= * FIXED: Gettext warning regarding a string used in singular and plural versions. M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php * UPDATED: Template compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0.1 M woocommerce/cart/cart.php M woocommerce/product-searchform.php * CHANGED: Theme version to 5.6.3 M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss ================================================================================= ** 16 September 2022 (5.6.2) ================================================================================= * FIXED: Panel issue where template bound metaboxes would not work in the block editor M panel/post_meta.php * FIXED: Tweets widget would throw a notice when used inside the Block Widgets editor. M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php * CHANGED: The classic widget editor is now loaded by default (i.e. the Block Widgets editor is disabled). * ADDED: In Panel > Site Options > Other, added checkbox to enable the Block Widgets editor. M panel/snippets/site_other.php * FIXED: Future-proof support for One Click Demo Import, by replacing older ‘pt-ocdi/*’ hook names with the more recent ‘ocdi/’ ones. M functions/onboarding.php * CHANGED: When resetting the panel settings, the panel defaults are now loaded later, by calling load_ci_defaults() inside the ‘admin_menu’ action, in ci_create_menu(). * FIXED: Warning would get thrown when resetting the panel settings. M panel/ci_panel.php * FIXED: A warning would get thrown regarding the internal ‘logox2_migrated’ option. M panel/snippets/logo.php * FIXED: Improper removal of default WooCommerce stylesheets could cause warnings on WooCommerce 3.9.0 M functions/woocommerce.php * CHANGED: Theme version to 5.6.2 M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss ================================================================================= ** 21 January 2022 (5.6.1) ================================================================================= * FIXED: Deprecation warning “Required parameter follows optional parameter” in PHP 8. M functions/shortcodes.php * FIXED: Some sample content import issues * ADDED: Some plugins as required on OCDI A functions/onboarding.php M functions.php * CHANGED: theme version to 5.6.1 M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss ================================================================================= ** 29 March 2021 (5.6.0) ================================================================================= * FIXED: get_logo_class() would sometimes return ‘imglogo’ instead of ‘textual’. M panel/generic.php * FIXED: In panel, replaced deprecated jQuery .click() event handlers with .on(‘click’). M panel/scripts/panelscripts.js M panel/snippets/newsletter_hidden_fields.php * CHANGED: Assets are now versioned using a compound version string based on the parent and child themes’ versions, when a child theme is enabled. This helps prevent caching issues, where the version reported was remaining constant (i.e. the child theme’s version) even when the parent was updated. M panel/generic.php * FIXED: Conditional metaboxes wouldn’t work in WP 5.7 M panel/post_meta.php * REMOVED: Removed compatibility handler for action hook ‘after_open_body_tag’. User code should now hook into the native ‘wp_body_open’ action hook directly, introduced in WP 5.2 M panel/default_hooks.php * UPDATED: Renamed content-product_cat.php to content-product-cat.php and updated to latest version. A woocommerce/content-product-cat.php D woocommerce/content-product_cat.php * Updated language file. * Changed version to 5.6.0 M ignitefile.js M lang/en_US.mo M lang/en_US.po M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss ================================================================================= ** 25 August 2020 (5.5.3) ================================================================================= * FIXED: Some wrong gettext domains. * CHANGED: On theme activation, the redirection to panel now happens conditionally on the ‘ci_theme_activated’ action. M panel/bootstrap.php M panel/ci_panel.php * ADDED: List of widgets is now filterable via ‘ci_theme_load_widgets’ before they are included. M panel/widgets.php * UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.0 M woocommerce/cart/cart.php M woocommerce/cart/cross-sells.php M woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php * Updated language files. * Changed version to 5.5.3 M lang/en_US.mo M lang/en_US.po M style.css M style.min.css M style.scss muzak-music-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip 24 Business Corporate