August 8, 2023 Booknetic v3.5.6 + Addons Download – BookneticFree Download Booknetic Nulled v3.5.6 | Booknetic Free Download v3.5.6 is the most budget-friendly appointment booking plugin for WordPress to simplify client bookings in a contactless way. As an industry leader among appointment booking plugins for WordPress, we take care of your bookings from bookings to revenue generation. We built fully automated solutions for a diverse range of businesses that rely on scheduling and booking appointments to handle their bookings, encounters, payments, notifications, and website sales in a single place. Our user-friendly interface ensures that you can easily configure and build the appointment booking system true to your business. Enhanced customization features like form builders and templates aim to prepare your staff for appointments.Intuitive UI enables your customers to securely and conveniently schedule their appointments via desktop or mobile.A comprehensive list of features allows you to meet any volume of client base and business operations. With a powerful admin dashboard, you will be on top of your business management.We are constantly improving our product to provide the solutions our customers need. Every update we make aims to improve customer satisfaction and increase your bottom line.Once you purchase the Booknetic Appointment plugin for WordPress Nulled, you will get the default features and some of the Free add-ons we offer for a limited time. You can always extend your booking capacity by getting other various add-ons or removing unnecessary add-ons. Booknetic Free Download Link 2 Booknetic Addons List 3 Changelog Booknetic Nulled 4 Booknetic Free Download Links Booknetic Free Download Link Booknetic Addons List Booknetic v3.5.5 [Activated] Email action for Booknetic workflows v1.1.8 Coupons for Booknetic v1.1.5 Custom forms for Booknetic v2.0.9 Google Calendar integration v1.2.0 Tax for Booknetic v1.1.6 WooCommerce payment gateway v2.0.3 Giftcards v1.1.1 Integrating Zoom to Booknetic v1.1.1 Twilio SMS for Booknetic v1.1.0 Twilio Whatsapp action v1.1.0 Payment Paypal v1.1.6 Payment Mollie v1.1.0 Payment Stripe v1.1.7 Payment Square v1.0.7 Invoices for Booknetic v1.0.6 Customer Panel v1.2.8 Reports v1.0.5 Changelog Booknetic Nulled v3.5.3 – 17 March 23 + Added custom fields and appointment extras to export function for appointments; + Added classes to elements in the booking panel to prevent sending empty classnames to Google Tag Manager; + Improved appointment search by service extra name; + Increased login duration to 14 days; + Changed confirmation message for duplicate customer timeslot bookings; + Fixed issue with copying start and end times in the staff timesheet; + Fixed bug with date input in custom form conditions; + Fixed issue with setting value for staff in custom conditions; + Fixed bug in iOS app where checking the “Bring People” checkbox would increase and decrease the value by two; + Fixed issue with skipping extra on the back step; + Fixed error when staff step was hidden and there was no staff for a service; + Fixed issue with custom duration input in the backend; + Fixed bug where conditions could not be deleted in Custom Forms; + Fixed CSS and RTL issues; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.5.2 – 08 March 23 + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.5.1 – 08 March 23 + Fixed the issue related to the cart icon when booking failed; + Fixed the issue related to the Elementor booking button caption; + Fixed the issue related to the service extra show more button; + Fixed the issue related to the staff edit password; + Fixed the issue related to the non-translatable words in the user role manager; + Fixed the issue related to the extras are not visible; + Fixed the issue related to the timeslot occupied error; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.5.0 – 16 Feb 23 + Added cart system to BooStore; + Fixed the bug that caused the “wp-admin” page to redirect to “customer-sign-in” page; + Fixed the “Show more” problem in services; + Added ability for staff to view services; + Made various CSS fixes in the backend; + Made RTL CSS fixes in the customer panel; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.4.9 – 08 Feb 23 + Added Sign-up and Forgot password widgets; + Added the dynamic translation data to the export file; + Added Server-to-Server OAuth method for Zoom integration; + Fixed the 500 error in Service extras; + Improved RTL compatibility for a better user interface; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.4.7 – 01 Feb 23 + Added a feature to have different step orders for each page. + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.4.6 – 27 Jan 23 + Added an option to delete associated WordPress users when deleting Staff & Customer; + Added option to update or create a new user when editing Staff with “use existing WordPress user option” selected; + Added a timeout for Payments in the Booking panel; + Added an ability to change WooCommerce order status when the appointment is paid from the backend (WooCommerce addon); + Sign in page now redirects customers to the previous page instead of the customer panel; + Fixed the issue related to the checkbox in the Custom forms addon; + Fixed the issue related to the Appearance Color changing on the Booknetic Cart step; + Fixed some issues related to the Sign in page shortcode with Divi; + Fixed the bug related to the email notifications; + Fixed the issue related to the appointment change status; + Fixed the issue related to the overlapping flexible timeslots; + Fixed the issue related to the Graph showing wrong data in some places; + Fixed the issue related to the Elementor page editing when the Booking panel page was saved in settings; + Fixed the issue related to the WooCommerce bug not sending Appointment details via email; + Made Booknetic more responsive; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.4.5 – 13 Jan 23 + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. v3.4.4 – 09 Jan 23 + Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms; + Fixed some issues related to the WooCommerce payment gateway; + Fixed the bug related to the email notifications; + Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs. 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