February 15, 2023 Fuse v8.3.9 React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks – Fuse Nulled React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Free Download Free Download Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks v8.3.9 1.1 Application Designs 1.2 Pages 2 Changelog Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Nulled Free Download Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks v8.3.9 Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Free Download v8.3.9 | Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Nulled v8.3.9 Fuse React Nulled written with the React Hooks Nulled (New feature of react let you use state and other React features without writing a class. Fuse React Nullled is a complete React admin template that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines. fuse-react-admin-template-redux-toolkit-material-design-react-hooks-nulled.zip (LATEST) Fuse React admin template uses Material UI V5 as a primary UI library while using Redux Toolkit for the state management. It has built-in page templates, routing and auth features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more. Fuse React admin template is not only a great kick starter for your project but it also is an extremely good place to learn some of the advanced aspects of the React. This is the React version of the famous Fuse Angular Material admin template. Application Designs Fuse Nulled provides application designs along with some functionality. These functionalities are for demonstration purposes and shows what you can do with the provided application designs. Included applications Analytics Dashboard Project Dashboard Academy Calendar Chat Contacts E-Commerce File Manager Help Center Mailbox Notes Scrumboard Tasks Profile Pages Fuse React provides clean and consistent page designs to help you to create beautiful looking contents. Some of the page designs also comes with different variations such as Authentication and Pricing pages. Included pages Activities Authentication Pages Sign in Sign up Sign out Forgot password Reset password Unlock session Confirmation required Coming soon Error 404 500 Invoice Compact Modern Maintenance Pricing Modern Simple Single Table Demo https://themeforest.net/item/fuse-react-react-redux-material-design-admin-template/21769397 Fuse React Admin Template Free Download fuse-react-admin-template-redux-toolkit-material-design-react-hooks-nulled.zip (LATEST) Changelog Fuse React Admin Template Redux Toolkit Material Design React Hooks Nulled v8.3.0 (2022-12-30) New Crypto Dashboard created. Fixed FusePageCarded Sidebar width value not applied on mobile. FusePageSimple Sidebar width value not applied on mobile. v8.2.2 (2022-12-15) New material-ui updated to v5.11.0 react-router updated to v6.4.5 tailwindcss updated to v3.2.4 @reduxjs/toolkit updated to v1.8.6 axios updated to v1.2.1 fullcalendar updated to v6.0.0 All dependency packages updated. Fixed Navbar style 3 light theme. Performance refinements on FuseExample, FuseHighlight components, FuseSvgIcon v8.2.1 (2022-09-03) Fixed DateTimePicker z-index issue, new import path. v8.2.0 (2022-08-20) New Finance Dashboard added. material-ui updated to v5.10.1 tailwindcss updated to v3.1.8 react-hook-form updated to v7.34.2 @reduxjs/toolkit updated to v1.8.5 All dependency packages updated. Fixed Theme Layout Navbar styles theming FuseSidePanel max-height v8.1.0 (2022-07-14) New react updated to v18.2.0 material-ui updated to v5.9.0 tailwindcss updated to v3.1.6 react-hook-form updated to v7.33.1 @reduxjs/toolkit updated to v1.8.3 All dependency packages updated. Mock API Definitions page refined. v8.0.0 (2022-05-15) New Improved the look and feel Re-wrote the entire template from scratch Mock API regenerated using OPEN API definitions react updated to v18.1.0 material-ui updated to v5.7.0 @reduxjs/toolkit to v1.8.1 tailwindcss updated to v3.0.24 All dependency packages updated. Breaking Changes craco replaced with react-app-rewired. firebase, auth0 service examples deprecated. This is the new major version of the Fuse React and it’s completely different from previous versions with no upgrade path. This version requires a clean installation. v7.2.0 (2022-03-05) New material-ui updated to v5.4.4 react-router updated to v6.2.2 tailwindcss updated to v3.0.23 @reduxjs/toolkit updated to v1.8.0 All dependency packages updated. Fixed /callback route component assignment. Authorization cannot hide navigation items in some cases. v7.1.0 (2021-12-17) New material-ui updated to v5.2.4 react-router updated to v6.1.1 tailwindcss updated to v3.0.5 react-scripts updated to v5.0.0 All dependency packages updated. Breaking Changes redirectUrl changed with loginRedirectUrl. v7.0.2 (2021-10-25) New material-ui updated to v5.0.4 tailwindcss updated to v2.2.17 All dependency packages updated. Default font changed to ‘Inter’ Breaking Changes react-select removed. v7.0.1 (2021-09-30) New material-ui updated to v5.0.2 tailwindcss updated to v2.2.16 All dependency packages updated. Codebase improved, minor fixes. v7.0.0 (2021-09-22) New material-ui migrated from v4 to v5 All dependency packages updated. Codebase improved. Breaking Changes Switched yarn to npm. react-charjs2, Formsy libraries not support anymore. FuseAnimate, FuseGroupAnimate, FuseChipSelect Components are deprecated. Migrating to the new major version (v7.0.0) can be difficult because of latest material-ui (v5) integration. You should migrate to material v5 to get the benefits of bug fixes and a lot of improvements such as the new styling engine. Checkout material-ui migration guide at https://mui.com/guides/migration-v4/ v6.2.0 (2021-08-13) New material-ui updated to v4.12.3 tailwindcss updated to v2.2.7 All dependency packages updated. prettier config (.prettierrc) moved into eslint configuration file. Code formatting matched with Airbnb’s style guide, eslint configuration file updated, code re-formatted. Fixed Chrome’s autofill background color removed. v6.1.4 (2021-06-12) Fixed ChatPanel responsive positioning. Main Theme light or Main Theme Dark values shouldn’t be listed in main theme select. v6.1.3 (2021-06-03) Fixed ChatPanel doesn’t render correctly after changing the layout and reloading the page. v6.1.2 (2021-06-03) New All dependency packages updated. v6.1.1 (2021-04-07) New jss, jss-plugin-extend updated to v10.6.0 Fixed Page layouts inner scroll issue. v6.1.0 (2021-04-07) New react-hook-form migrated v6 to v7, – Checkout migration guide at: https://react-hook-form.com/migrate-v6-to-v7 tailwindcss updated to v2.1.0 Fixed Yarn2 pnp warnings resolved. v6.0.0 (2021-04-02) New Calendar App: react-big-calendar changed with fullCalendar/react draft-js and react-draft-wysiwyg added, an example created at mail compose form. croco added to extend webpack config. tailwindcss moved inside postcss config with croco. framer-motion added, all Animations migrated to framer-motion. Charts changed from ‘react-chartjs-2’ to ‘react-apexcharts’ All forms changed with react-hook-form, yup is used for form validation. The theme design refreshed with more modern approach. redux serializableCheck middleware disabled by default for development performance concerns. Default theme color scheme changed Default font changed to ‘Poppins’ All theme layouts updated, now body scroll is default. Theme vertical-layout-1 has new navigation styles (Slide, Tabbed, Tabbed dense, folded). redux-logger configuration: collapse all except errors on dev console. Unnecessary React imports removed. Notification Panel created. AdjustFontSize toolbar component created. react updated to v17.0.2 react-scripts updated to v4.0.3 material-ui updated to v4.11.3 36 Uncategorized