March 25, 2023 Green Planet v1.1.9 – Ecology & Environment WordPress Theme – Download Free Green Planet – Ecology & Environment WordPress Theme v1.1.9 1.1 Custom Admin panel 1.2 Valid CSS3 and HTML5 1.3 Detailed Theme Knowledgebase 1.4 Custom Widgets 1.5 Responsive Layout Download Free Green Planet – Ecology & Environment WordPress Theme v1.1.9 Green Planet – Ecology & Environment WordPress Theme Free Download 1.1.9 – ThemeForest | Green Planet – Ecology & Environment WordPress Theme Nulled v1.1.9 is an ecologically friendly and environmentally friendly subject. The topic is provided with donations that allow you to collect money for your environmental initiatives and run a number of fundraising campaigns at a time. Ecological conferences, sustainable charity meetings and other environmental activities may also be planned with the event features. It easily enables you to create a charity ecology website for an eco-NGO, non-profit organizations and green peace offices. (LATEST) Custom Admin panel Designers have expanded their original WordPress administer to provide more features with a wide range of choices and settings to help build an opera, theatre, art event or entertainment website, and provide full flexibility for customization. Valid CSS3 and HTML5 One of the main aspects of a good website that is effectively screwed up and indexed by search engines is valid code and optimized layout. Detailed Theme Knowledgebase Theme documentation includes all questions available so that a newbie can also manage in a reasonable time to build a fantastic website. Many panel and front-end screenshots make it even simpler. Custom Widgets A broad range of custom widgets are included, which offer even more potential for content management and offer advanced social networking options, such as Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. Responsive Layout Environment and Ecology WordPress Theme Green Planet Nulled with donations and activities for eco and environmental conservation is sensitive and adapts to the width of the display and make it look great on all your devices from big desktops to mobile phones and tablets. Retina Ready Theme for WordPress – Retina displays set special demands to websites, and good day theme is developed to have an ultimate performance on all retina displays, providing premium presentation quality for your website elements. Custom Page Backgrounds – you can set a custom background for any page and post on your website, as well as define in for the whole website in general. Choose color or image background and set repeat type and positioning to it. Unlimited Menu Colors – unlimited color possibilities for you main navigation and many other website elements lets you adapt your website appearance to your company style. You can set any color to each of your menu elements. If you need to create a website for a ecology ngo, nature saving non profit organozation, environmental, green earth, organic production and other ecology websites, Green Planet WordPress Theme Nulled will do the work for you. Demo Download Links for Green Planet WordPress Theme (LATEST) Old Version CHANGELOG ———————————————————————– Version 1.1.5: 1. Fix for WooCommerce 6.9.0 2. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 3. Fixed apply custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 4. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 5. The Events Calendar V2: fixed deprecated function warning in single event. 6. Updated plugins 7. Updated translates ——————————————— Version 1.1.4: 1. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks 2. Fixed twitter connection 3. Updated plugins 4. Updated translates ——————————————— Version 1.1.3: 1. Update Plugins ——————————————— Version 1.1.2: 1. Fixed hover slider script 2. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes 3. Fixed Events Calendar colors 4. Update Plugins ——————————————— Version 1.1.1: 1. Update Plugins 2. Small fixes for The Events Calendar updated design ——————————————— Version 1.1.0: 1. Update Plugins 2. Update Translate 3. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design 4. Fixed demo content ——————————————— Version 1.0.9: 1. Added function wp_body_open() 2. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 3. Fixed Load More 4. Fix for short syntax in js 5. Fix iLightbox 6. Fix register settings 7. Added deprecated function for Flickr widget 8. Update isotope js 9. Update Plugins 10. Update Translate ——————————————— Version 1.0.8: 1. revslider 6.3.3 2. WP 5.6 columns fix 3. WP 5.6 drag’n’drop fix 4. CC update (WP 5.6 section and column update fix) 5. WP 5.6 pop-up fix 6. Update LightBox isotope 7. WP 5.6 import demo content fix 8. Bullets front-end fix ——————————————— Version 1.0.7: 1. Gutenberg styles fix 2. revslider 6.2.23 3. Yoast SEO breadcrumbs fix 4. Shop sidebar fix 5. Variable product fix 6. Classic Editor fix 7. PHP 7.4 implode fix 8. Gutenberg notices and CC button fixes 9. CC update 10. Woo update 11. Update isotope 12. TGMPA fix 13. Fix for “Disable WooCommerce Cart” on mobile 14. Envato theme check fix ——————————————— Version 1.0.6: 1. WP 5.5 Color Picker fix 2. Removed Form Builder plugin 3. LayerSlider 6.11.2 ——————————————— Version 1.0.5: 1. Updated Woocommerce to ver. 3.6.0 2. New version jquery.isotope.min.js 3. Updated LayerSlider to ver. 6.8.3 ——————————————— Version 1.0.4: 1. Update for WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg) 2. Update Plugins 3. Update Theme 4. Plugin CMSMasters Importer added 5. Plugin CMSMasters Custom Fonts added ——————————————— Version 1.0.3: 1. Fix headline background attachment for touch device 2. Fix to subpage navigation items 3. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery 4. Update for Gutenberg 5. Update events calendar 31 Business Corporate