January 14, 2023 Hide or show price and disallow purchase v1.1.9 Download – Hide or show price and disallow purchase hide-or-show-price-and-disallow-purchase-nulled-LATEST.zip Would you like to hide the product prices to an specific customer group or to an specific country? This module can do it, also, can display the price but disallow the purchase (hide the Add to Cart button) using an incredible flexible conditions. Hide product prices The module allows to hide the product prices with all the conditions that you could need: Product filters Stock Price Weight Category Product Manufacturer Supplier Target filters Customer group Customer Country Zone Language Currency Info: When the price is hidden, the purchase is disallowed automatically, a customer can’t purchase a product with the price hidden. Disallow the purchase You can hide the add to cart product disallowing the purchase of products, the price can be displayed or not, but the customers can’t purchase purchase the product. Info: if a customer who can’t purchase a product has it in the cart, the module will display a message in the checkout to avoid the purchase of this product and blocking the checkout process until the product is removed. Examples: Hide the product prices of one or more categories Hide the prices between specific stock range or the products without stock Display the price but disallow the purchase of products to an specific zone or country (geolocation) Hide the product prices with 0 price Disallow the purchase of an specific manufacturer products to a customer group. Hide or show price and disallow purchase Free Download Links hide-or-show-price-and-disallow-purchase-nulled-LATEST.zip 25 Uncategorized