January 14, 2023 JetTricks v1.4.5 – Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Download – JetTricks Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Download Free JetTricks – Visual Effects Addon for Elementor v.1.4.5 – CodeCanyon | JetTricks v1.4.5 – Visual Effects Addon for Elementor is a professional addon that is perfect for adding visual effects to the web pages without any coding skills, by using the extended functionality and extra widgets for Elementor live page builder. JetTricks WordPress Plugin allows using complete parallax effects for the content, creating the unfolded columns effect, adding the hotspot makers, adding sticky elements and creating “View More†button. jettricks-visual-effects-addon-for-elementor-nulled-LATES.zip Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/jettricks-visual-effects-addon-for-elementor/21997850 JetTricks Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Free Download Link 2 Changelog JetTricks Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Nulled JetTricks Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Free Download Link jettricks-visual-effects-addon-for-elementor-nulled-LATES.zip Changelog JetTricks Visual Effects Addon for Elementor Nulled JetCompareWishlist 1.5.3 January 11, 2023 Added: Polylang compatibility; Updated: WPML compatibility; Updated: JetDashboard module to 2.0.10; Updated: Editor control UX; Fixed: Variation product title in Compare Table widget. JetWooBuilder January 11, 2023 Fixed: Products widgets permalink issue; Fixed: Minor styles issue; JetEngine 3.1.0 January 10, 2023 ADD: Bricks Builder сompatibility; ADD: Custom control for connecting query to any widget containing a repeater; ADD: Repeater Query Type; ADD: New conditions for Dynamic Visibility; ADD: Ability to choose the options storage type; ADD: Quick search in Troubleshooting and Knowledge Base from the admin panel; ADD: Macros Generator; UPD: New JS init for non-Elemenotr views; UPD: Shortocde Generator; UPD: Hide Show in Rest API option for HTML filed; FIX: Prevent errors if WooCommerce is not installed; FIX: Avoid errors in the map listing in some cases; FIX: Prevent errors in some cases if Elementor not installed. JetSmartFilters 3.0.4 January 5, 2023 ADD: Bricks builder compatibility; UPD: Filters builder icons; UPD: jet dashboard to 2.0.4; FIX: Ensure correct provider set from request; FIX: compatibility with JetWooBuilder 2.1.2; FIX: Visibility of classic admin editor fields in some cases. JetBooking 2.6.1 December 27, 2022 FIX: Date range filter for checkin_checkout query variable; FIX: Booking form date picking in JetPopup; FIX: Elementor Pro Popup date picker field issue. JetProductGallery 2.1.9 Decemder 14, 2022 Updated: Widgets and blocks rendering; Updated: Vertical slider functionality; Updated: Widgets and blocks controls; Updated: Script optimization; Updated: Self-hosted video autoplay option; Updated: Galleries templates; Fixed: Thumbnails pagination duplication with loop option and slides count less than slides per view; Fixed: Slider equal height; Fixed: Some styles for video. JetBlocks 1.3.5 December 7, 2022 Added: Google reCAPTCHA v3 integration; Update: JetDashboard Module to v2.0.9; Fixed: Sticky Section compatibility with Elementor Flexbox Container; Fixed: Hamburger Panel widget compatibility with Elementor Flexbox Container; Added: Start Showing Mobile Menu From option in the Navigation Menu widget; Fixed: Navigation Menu widget RTL compatibility. JetTricks 1.4.3 December 7, 2022 Update: JetDashboard Module to v2.0.9; Fixed: accessibility; Fixed: minor issues. JetSearch 3.0.3 December 3, 2022 ADD: jet-search/ajax-search/query-args filter hook ADD: jet-search/template/pre-get-content filter hook ADD: jet-search/template/pre-get-meta-field filter hook ADD: Minimal Quantity of Symbols for Search option ADD: jet-ajax-search/show-results trigger on search AJAX request success FIX: minor issues 21 CodeCanyon