July 14, 2023 MagiCards v2.2.0 – decks of cards to shuffle | WP plugin – MagiCards – decks of cards to shuffle | WP plugin magicards-decks-of-cards-to-shuffle-wp-plugin-nulled-LATES.zip MagiCards is a WordPress plugin to display some random cards on the table. Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery. You can offer tarots, playing cards, memory games, or simply random responses to your visitors, in a nice way. Features: 1.1 LATEST VERSION: 2.2.0 2 MagiCards – Log history Features: Unlimited decks of cards Back-face info panel, caption and description Custom card size Custom number of columns Random upside down card option Widget Gutenberg block WPBackery Page Builder element Responsive WPML ready *The cards used inside the demo are not included. LATEST VERSION: 2.2.0 magicards-decks-of-cards-to-shuffle-wp-plugin-nulled-LATES.zip MagiCards – Log history = 2.2.0 = New: One card option now accepts also maximum number of cards we can flip Update: WP Backery options update Update: minimum font size to cards descriptions = 2.1.9 = Update: Better sizes for Title and Description = 2.1.8 = Fix: Enqueue admin style = 2.1.7 = Update: Javascript rewritten, removed jQuery dependency Update: Responsive Title and Description font size Update: Centered layout Update: Minor fixes = 2.1.6 = Update: Custom class field for WP Backery page builder Update: Alt attribute to card images = 2.1.5 = Update: Shuffle function compatibility for WP 6.0 = 2.1.4 = Update: Minor css updates for browsers compatibility = 2.1.3 = New: Block option Reveal one card at a time New: Block option hide shuffle button New: Block option hide toggle button = 2.1.2 = Update: deprecated TINYMCE button for classic editor Update: Show card with frontend editors preview (Elementor, Beaver Builder, WPBackery page builder) Fix: editable element for WPBackery page builder = 2.1.1 = Update: disable lazy-loading for WP-Optimize = 2.1.0 = Fix: custom class for widgets = 2.0.9 = Fix: custom class for widgets = 2.0.8 = New layouts: ‘plus-layout’, ‘horseshoe-layout’ = 2.0.7 = Fix: Get sharing tools title from settings Fix: Remove duplicate share link from general settings = 2.0.6 = New: Share result link and social share = 2.0.5 = Update: visible descriptions reversed order Update: register scripts on init = 2.0.4 = Update: colorpicker alpha for WP 5.5 Minor fixes = 2.0.3 = Fix: insert classic editor button only if wp.media is loaded Update: Columns width fix = 2.0.2 = New: Custom layout support Update: CSS class option inside widget panel = 2.0.1 = Fix: load CSS inside head = 2.0.0 = Fix: preload cards before flipping Fix: card max-width: 100% with visible descriptions = 1.9.9 = Update: Load JS and CSS only on request Update: Fix Gutenberg Block UI = 1.9.8 = Update: Transitions timings improved Update: visible info panel css fix = 1.9.7 = Update: Visible description option for Widgets, Elementor and Beaver Builder Update: Visible description below the deck instead of single cards Update: plugin update checker = 1.9.6 = Fix: Beaver Builder compatible widget on live editor. = 1.9.5 = Update: gutenberg block compatible with WP 5.3 = 1.9.4 = Update: Support for WP Rocket plugin (Disable lazy load) Update: Support for Smush plugin (Disable lazy load) Update: Support for Lazy Loader plugin (Disable lazy load) Update: Support for LiteSpeed Cache Loader plugin (Disable lazy load) Minor css fixes = 1.9.3 = Fix: set text color to tooltip Fix: card full width only with visible tooltip = 1.9.2 = New setting: visible description WPML ready flip & shuffle buttons = 1.9.1 = css fix = 1.9 = update: Skip lazy-images update: IE / Edge full support = 1.8 = update: downgrade isotope to v2, support IE8, IE9 update: more compatibility with other plugins/themes using isotope update: css improvements box-sizing: border-box = 1.7 = Update: transform old magicards shortcodes to new gutenberg blocks = 1.6 = New: Custom block for Gutenberg New: MagiCards Widget support for Elementor, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin Page Builder New: Custom element for WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update: custom content filters = 1.5 = Update: Minified scripts for better performances Update: Custom hooks for isotope to avoid conflicts Fix: Layout alignment with Jetpack LazyImages = 1.4 = Update: randomness also with JetPack image optimization active. Update: automatic updates improved = 1.3 = New: reversed card description inside media editor Fix: Chrome info panel with overflow scroll and backface-visibility = 1.2 = New: automatic updates Fix: html inside info panels = 1.1 = New: info panel displaying caption and description on card’s back-face at second click New options: set info panel background and text colors New: attribute Fixed size for the parameter columns (col=”0″) Fix: flip card on IOS magicards-decks-of-cards-to-shuffle-wp-plugin-nulled-LATES.zip 8 Uncategorized