January 11, 2023 Media File Renamer Pro v5.5.10 Nulled – Media File Renamer ProFree Download Media File Renamer Pro Nulled v5.5.10 | Media File Renamer Pro Free Download v5.5.10 – Rename and move files directly from the dashboard, either individually or in bulk. You can even set it to automatically rename your files for you! Nicer SEO, tidier WordPress, better life. media-file-renamer-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip By default, it automatically renames your media filenames based on their titles every time you modify them. But you can also manually rename files and update references to them throughout your site, including posts, pages, custom post types, and metadata. The best way to use the plugin is through the sleek and dynamic Renamer Dashboard, which makes it easy to work efficiently and effectively. Media File Renamer works seamlessly with many features of WordPress and other plugins, including Retina files, WebP, rescaled images (since WP 5.3), PDF Thumbnails, UTF8 files, optimized images, and more. It can handle a wide variety of encoding cases, making it a reliable tool for organizing your media library. There are a few page builders, like Avia Layout Builder, that currently do not allow Media File Renamer to rename images used in their posts due to encryption. However, we are actively seeking out solutions to this issue and are committed to providing users with the ability to rename these images if they desire. Media File Renamer Pro Free Download Link 1.1 IMPORTANT 2 Cangelog Media File Renamer Pro Nulled Media File Renamer Pro Free Download Link media-file-renamer-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip Automatically rename files based on attached posts, products, or ALT texts Anonymize your files with anonymous filenames Move files to different directories in bulk Sync metadata like ALT texts and titles Number your files to allow for similar filenames Attach media entries to the posts or pages they’re used in Use the Force Rename feature to re-link broken media entries to your files Advanced transliteration handles accents, emoticons, umlauts, cyrillic, and more IMPORTANT Renaming or moving files can be a risky process, which is why it’s important to take precautions. Before renaming your files in bulk, try renaming them one by one to make sure the references in your pages are updated properly. It’s worth noting that some plugins may use unconventional methods to encode file usage, which could cause issues with the renaming process. To ensure the safety of your files and database, it is crucial to make a backup before using Media File Renamer to its full extent. Protect your valuable media by taking these precautionary measures. If you notice any issues with your website after renaming your media files, try clearing your cache. Cached HTML can often hold onto old references, so this simple step can often resolve any issues. If you’re still experiencing problems, you can use the Undo feature to roll back to the previous filenames. If you’re having trouble updating references or have any other questions, please check out the support threads on our website. We’re always working to cover more use cases and improve the plugin. media-file-renamer-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip Cangelog Media File Renamer Pro Nulled 5.5.7 (2022/02/09) Add: New option to disable the Dashboard. Note: A bit late on the support, it’s unusual, but very busy these days. I am also trying to gather the feedback/issues to fix them all at once in a good way. Thank you for your patience! Note: The plugin has no known bugs for a while, and I am now happy to work on littke extra features 🙂 By the way, if you like it, please review the plugin by clicking here. Thank you! 5.5.2 (2022/01/06) Update: Slowly (but surely) separating the Rename mode from the Move mode. I will make the UI better and more adapted to the chosen mode. You will find the switch in the Renamer Dashboard. Note: The plugin has no known bugs for a while, and I am now happy to work on littke extra features 🙂 By the way, if you like it, please review the plugin by clicking here. Thank you! 5.5.1 (2022/12/24) Update: Enhanced the hooks (filters). 5.5.0 (2022/11/12) Fix: Enhanced the behavior of the UI. 5.4.9 (2022/10/30) Fix: The link to the Dashboard was broken. 5.4.8 (2022/10/24) Fix: There was an issue with WP-CLI in the latest versions. 5.4.7 (2022/10/12) Add: Consider WebP as an “Image” (which it is 😏). Fix: The ‘Featured Only’ and ‘Images Only’ were not working perfectly. Update: Optimized the way options are updated and retrieved. Update: Some refactoring to simplify the code. 5.4.5 (2022/09/27) Add: Auto-retry on failure, up to 10 times. Fix: Typos. 5.4.3 (2022/08/11) Add: Handle errors gracefully (with retry, skip or cancel). 5.4.1 (2022/08/03) Fix: Tiny UI bug in Safari. 5.4.0 (2022/07/05) Add: Support for Elementor (update the metadata and CSS). Update: Use the default WordPress font (to avoid loading data from Google Fonts) and a few UI enhancements. 5.3.9 (2022/06/16) Fix: The WebP files weren’t not renamed perfectly. 5.3.8 (2022/03/29) Fix: Support for WebP. Fix: Anonymize (MD5) on upload now works fine. Fix: Decode HTML entities (in the meta, title) when renaming is based on it. Update: I am trying to enhance the UI (the rename field and the actions) depending on the size of the browser. I’ll try to make this better and better, but don’t hesitate to give me some feedback. 5.3.6 (2022/02/01) Update: Fresh build and support for WordPress 5.9. 5.3.5 (2021/11/10) Fix: Renaming of WebP uploaded directly to WordPress. Add: The possibility of locking files automatically after a manual rename (which was always the case previously), and/or after a automatic rename (that was not possible previously). With this last option, users having trouble to “Rename All” will be given the choice to do it on any kind of server. You will find those options in the Advanced tab. Add: “Delay” option, to give a break and a reset to the server between asynchronous requests! Default to 100ms. That will avoid the server to time out, or to slow down on purpose. 5.3.3 (2021/11/09) Fix: Avoid renaming when the URLs (before/after) are empty. Add: New option to update URLs in the excerpts (no need to use it for most users). Update: Avoid double call to the mfrh_url_renamed (seemed to be completely useless). Update: Added a new ‘size’ argument to the mfrh_url_renamed action. Update: Optimized queries. Add: We can change the page (in the dashboard) by typing it. 5.3.2 (2021/10/16) Add: AVIF support. Fix: Avoid the double renaming when different registered sizes actually use the same file. 5.3.0 (2021/10/09) Add: Better Force Rename. Add: Featured Images Only option. Fix: Auto-attach feature wasn’t working properly with Featured Image when attached to Product. 5.2.9 (2021/09/23) Add: Manual Sanitize Option. If the option is checked, the rename feature uses the new_filename function. If not, use the filename user input as it is. 5.2.8 (2021/09/07) Add: Option to clean the plugin data on uninstall. Add: Manual Rename now goes through the cleaning flow to make sure everything is clean and nice. 5.2.7 (2021/09/03) Fix: Security update: access controls to the REST API and the options enforced. Updated: Dependencies update. 5.2.5 (2021/08/25) Fix: Search feature was not always working well. Update: Better technical architecture. 5.2.4 (2021/06/13) Add: Remember the number of entries per page (dashboard). Fix: Limit the length of the manual filename. 5.2.3 (2021/05/29) Fix: The ‘Move’ feature now also works with the original image (in case it has been scaled by WP). 5.2.2 (2021/05/18) Fix: Better Windows support. 5.2.0 (2021/05/15) Add: Move button (this was mainly added for tests, so it’s a beta feature, it will be perfected over time). Add: Images Only option. Fix: Vulnerability report, a standard user access could potentially modify a media title with custom requests. 5.1.9 (2021/04/09) Fix: The Synchronize Alt option wasn’t working logically. 5.1.8 (2021/03/04) Add: Search. Add: Quick rename the title from the dashboard. 5.1.7 (2021/02/21) Fix: The Synchronize Media Title option wasn’t working logically. 5.1.6 (2021/02/12) Fix: References for moved files were not updated. Add: Sanitize filename after they have been through the mfrh_new_filename filter. 5.1.3 (2021/02/06) Add: Greek support. Fix: Better sensitive file check. Fix: Manual rename with WP CLI. 5.1.2 (2021/01/10) Add: Auto attach feature. Add: Added Locked in the filters. Update: Icons position. 5.1.1 (2021/01/05) Fix: Issue with roles overriding and WP-CLI. Fix: Issue with REST in the Common Dashboard. 5.1.0 (2021/01/01) Add: Support overriding roles. Fix: The layout of the dashboard was broken by WPBakery. 26 Uncategorized