August 20, 2023 NEX-Forms v8.4.3 – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder Download – NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form BuilderFree Download NEX-Forms Lite WordPress Plugin v.8.4.3 – CodeCanyon | NEX-Forms Lite v8.4.3 – WordPress Form Builder Plugin is the perfect for easily creating small forms such as feedback forms and contact forms in seconds. If you have a need to create more complex forms, then you can also look at the ultimate edition available on CodeCanyon. By using this awesome tool you can easily create and manage professional forms according to your wish. Features 2 NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder Free Download Link 3 Changelog NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder Nulled Features Fully Responsive Drag and Drop 24+ Form Elements Fully Grid Layout System Email AutoResponder 1200+ Google Fonts Built-in Anti-Spam Form Storage Form Export Ajax Powered Sticky or Paddle Forms Form Entry Export Popup Forms Hidden Fields No Programming Integrated with Twitter Bootstrap Integrated with Font Awesome Compatible with all Major Browsers Build Forms in Seconds Sidebar Widgets Free Online Support NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder Free Download Link Demo Changelog NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder Nulled NEX Forms v8.4.1 FIXED: WP 6.2 Add-media button not working for Admin Email, User Email, PDF Creator and Form to Post editors FIXED: Hidden fields recall display issues in form editor view FIXED: Context menu (right click) options popup in form editor NEX Forms v8.4 NEW: WordPress Category field map to form to post via form field selection. FIXED: Lag on logic with specific themes FIXED: Form to Post add-on HTML display issues ADDED: Additional security NEX Forms v8.3.3 FIXED: Embed options display issue in form builder view FIXED: Display and read issue of Non ASCII characters in Emails and PDF using field data tags FIXED: Templates not loading issue NEX Forms v8.3.1 NEW: Conditional Logic now available for onscreen success message. Change the success message based on user selection and/or input. ADDED: Additional security FIXED: Date picker language issue NEX Forms v8.2 FIXED: Onscreen success message issue. FIXED: math logic calculation issue when using Europian format with re-used calculations NEX Forms v8.1 NEX-Forms 8 comes with an overall redesign of the all dashboard features in functionality as well look an feel. DASHBOARD – HOME NEW: Complete new Dashboard Design NEW: Column sorting on form table NEW: Total records display for forms table NEW: Form analytics summary on dashboard NEW: Latest entries summary on dashboard IMPROVED: Forms table search IMPROVED: Dashboard loading time reduced by more than 70% DASHBOARD – FORM ENTRIES NEW: Complete new Design for form entries NEW: Entry filters – Show entries from all forms; Show entries from individual forms ,Show unread entries, Show starred entries, filter entries with attachments NEW: Batch delete for form entries NEW: Multiple entries selection – hold CTRL for multiple individual entry selections – hold SHIFT for ascending or descending selection of all entries between two selections – HIT CTRL+A to select all entries. NEW: Total entries display per page NEW: Mark entry(s) as read/unread NEW: Mark entry(s) as starred/unstarred NEW: Sort entries by date NEW: Sort entries by page the form was submitted from NEW: Sort entries by ID NEW: Filter entries PayPal related NEW: Filter entries for PayPal pending payment NEW: Filter entries for PayPal successful payments NEW: Filter entries for PayPal unsuccessful payments NEW: View entry details with adjustable view (vertical display drag) NEW: View the actual email delivered to the user NEW: View the actual email delivered to administrator or specified email recipients NEW: Context menu (right click on selected entries for batch options) IMPROVED: Form entries search IMPROVED: loading time reduced by more than 80% DASHBOARD – REPROTING NEW: Complete new Design for entry reporting NEW: Column sorting on generated report NEW: Total records display per table from generated report IMPROVED: Report search IMPROVED: loading time reduced by more than 50% DASHBOARD – FORM ANALYTICS NEW: Separate section for form analytics IMPROVED: loading time reduced by more than 50% DASHBOARD – FILE/ATTACHEMENT MANGER NEW: Complete new Design for file/attachments manager NEW: Column sorting received files NEW: Download file directly from the backend with a single click (no need to open the file and save as) IMPROVED: File search DASHBOARD – GLOBAL SETTINGS NEW: NEX forms LIGHT color scheme for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces NEW: NEX forms DARK color scheme for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces IMPROVED: Admin color adaption for the NEX-Forms admin interfaces (if admin color adaption is chosen) IMPROVED: Overall settings design OVERALL: NEW: Reply-to setting for email setup per form. FIXED: Various PHP 8 and wp 6.1.1 compatibility issues FIXED: Reported 3rd party styling interference FIXED: Reported javascript interference FIXED: Conditional logic issue with date pickers FIXED: How to use Math logic interactive tutorial FIXED: How to create multi-step forms tutorial NEX Forms v7.9.7 NEW: Added compatibility for Zapier Integration for NEX-Forms add-on NEX Forms v7.9.6 FIXED: Success message display problems. FIXED: Minor corrections and improvements NEX Forms v7.9.5 FIXED: PHP 8 issues NEX Forms v7.9.4 FIXED: Color setting recall when editing fields FIXED: Spacer field resizing NEX Forms v7.9.3 FIXED: UTF-8 issues in submission reporting FIXED: PHP 8 issues with class function calls using AJAX NEX Forms v7.9.1 FIXED: PHP 8 compatibility issues FIXED: WP5.8 Add-Media button issue in Admin and User Email, PDF Body and Form to Post Editors NEX Forms v7.8.8 IMPROVED: updated all JS libraries IMPROVED: optimized all JS for even faster performance IMPROVED: Added extra security measures on PDF and CSV exports NEX Forms v7.8.7 FIXED: .size() issue in jQuery FIXED: Minor corrections and improvements NEX Forms v7.8.6 FIX: WP 5.7 insert tag button in TinyMCE editor FIX: Timezone set when using data and time picker default data tags FIX: File upload field tags – now upload field paths are available to use uploaded images for example in PDF’s and emails Enhanced: Various styling tweaks to backend and front end NEX Forms v7.8.5 NEW: Added new conditional checks: if field “Contains” as well as If field “Does Not Contain” NEX Forms v7.8.4 IMPROVED: Added measures to prevent 3rd party CSS interference in forms NEX Forms v7.8.3 FIXED: Undefined variable PHP warning NEX Forms v7.8.2 FIXED: Field data tag button in WP 5.6 in TinyMCE editor. NEX Forms v7.8.1 NEW: Timer – add a timer for multisteps. You can have a timer for an entire form, or set time limits to individual steps. Tons of settings available! NEW: Transition settings for steps. You can now choose the transition/animation of the steps when you step forward or backward. NEW: Add an Icon and description for your steps to be displayed in the Breadcrumb. NEW: All breadcrumbs are redeveloped. See new improved breadcrumbs with all new styling options. NEW: Undo – you can now undo your last action in the form editor. NEW: Redo – you can now redo your last undo in the form editor. NEW: DragBox Selection – You can now drag/draw a box over field(s) to multi-select them to batch – drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style! Hold CTRL while drawing to add or remove field(s) from the batch selection. In essence you can now do in the form editor what you can do on your Desktop. NEW: Batch Field Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style fields at the same) NEW: Batch group Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style all of the same type of fields at the same time, for example if you want to style all Radio Buttons at the same time) NEW: Context menus (Right Click mouse button) on fields an containers. Right click on fields, for example, for quick editing options. NEW: Keyboard shortcuts – CTRL+S = Save, CTRL+Z = Undo last action, CTRL+SHIFT+Z, Redo last undo, CTRL+A = Select all fields in the form, CTRL+SHIFT+A = Deselect all fields in the form, Esc = Deselect all fields in the form and close all open editing panels and preview, Enter = Edit Field Selection, CTRL+C = Copy Field Selection, CTRL+X = Cut Field Selection, CTRL+V = Paste copied/cut fields below the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will append the field to the grid or step. No hover will append the fields to the outer form container, CTRL+SHIFT+V = Paste Copied/cut fields above the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will prepend the field to the grid or step. No hover will prepend the fields to the outer form container, Delete = Delete the field selection, Backspace = Delete the field selection, CTRL + LEFT CLICK = Adds a field to a batch selection. If already selected will remove the field from the selection, CTRL+SHIFT + LEFT CLICK = Selects all fields of the same type. For example use this to select all TEXT fields or all HEADINGS, etc. You can then target-edit the FIELD GROUP, RIGHT CLICK = Right Click on anything in the form container area. The Right click menu includes quick editing options and available actions to take on Single Field, Batch Selections or Field Group selections. NEW: Icon field – Although icons was always available to use with HTML elements, this is now made easier. NEW: Success message – You can now build your success messages like you build your forms – drag and drop etc etc. complete will all 70+ available animations. You now have complete control over your success messages! NEW: Submission Loaders and respective settings! NEW: Validation options for Multi-selection fields. Set minimum required selection and set maximum available selections. NEW: Field border size setting. You can now make your field and elements borders thicker or thinner. NEW: Add Custom Before Submit Javascript NEW: Add Custom After Submit Javascript NEW: JS/CSS editor – Adding Custom CSS and Javscript is now made easy with JS/CSS Editor. IMPROVED: Overall backend usability and design. IMPROVED: Performamce. IMPROVED: All an all – 70% of the editor have been redeveloped or enhanced. NEX Forms v7.7.1 IMPROVED: Complete plugin overhaul. JS and CSS optimized to improve performance. Total plugin size reduced by 50% IMPROVED: Optimized all existing templates IMPROVED: Overall backend speed and usability (design tweaks etc) NEW: Right Click Context Menu to add Field Smart data tags with ease NEW: Edit HTML elements on the fly with a single click. NEW: Added new built-in templates NEW: Admin email setting – Choose to send admin emails or not. NEW: Date-picker setting – keep the picker open on user selection or not (drop down picker view only) NEX Forms v7.6.4 NEW: Added ‘Skip to Step’ action for Conditional Logic. This makes it much easier then showing and hiding step based on selections. No you can now instead simple Skip to a Step based on user selections and/or input. NEW: Date picker Setting – Set minimum pickable date NEW: Date picker Setting – Set maximum pickable date. NEW: Date picker Setting – Link date pickers using smart data tags inside Min and Max Date settings. NEW: Date picker Setting – Disable dates on the fly based on the selection (values) from other fields NEW: Date picker Setting – Disable today NEW: Validation Setting – Add an Input mask to your field, i.e: (999) 999-9999. The user will type and the mask will automatically add the format. IMPROVED: Overall interface styling and user experience of using Conditional Logic. NEX Forms v7.6.3 NEW: Use conditional logic to changed a field’s value based on another field’s value. For example change a base price or percentage based on a quantity selection. NEW: Math Logic Setting – Enable/disable math count animation. FIXED: Field selection when running submission reports. NEX Forms v7.6.2 NEW: Conditional Logic Redevelopment – All new Conditional logic now gives you a flowchart like graphic presentation of how the logic runs through your form fields. This makes it easy to identify what rules are affecting which fields and is which way. Also now more double clicking to open field selection options. NEW: Grid Setting – Change the grid inline break points based on the device in use. In other words you can now choose to have any grids stay inline even in mobile devices. Option is per grid, so some can be inline on mobile while other grids in the same form are set to break, etc. NEX Forms v7.6.1 NEW: Chat Forms – Use NEX-Forms to create chat like forms! Date Picker NEW: Date picker Setting – Set picker Inline or field popup NEW: Date picker Setting – Set picker to popup to top or to bottom NEW: Date picker Setting – Set default date to now (use now in the Default Value setting) NEW: Date picker Setting – Disable days of week NEW: Date picker Setting – Disable specific dates NEW: Date picker Setting – Set Picker starting view to Days, Months, Years or decades FIXED: Date picker Setting – Set dates to any format and math logic will still work FIXED: Date picker Setting – Set different pickers to different languages FIXED: Default value when populating the time picker field from the URL FIXED: Using No Icon or custom Icons for date picker (popup over display) IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Date picker. Time Picker NEW: Time picker Setting – Set picker Inline or field popup NEW: Time picker Setting – Set picker to popup to top or to bottom NEW: Time picker Setting – Disable hours (for example Disabled 00:00 – 08:00 so making it 09:00 – 17:00) NEW: Time picker Setting – Set minute interval stepping. Default 5 minutes. NEW: Use time pickers with math logic to run calculation with times FIXED: Using No Icon or custom Icons for Time picker (popup over display) FIXED: Default value when populating the time picker field from the URL IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Time picker. Thumb / Image Selection Field NEW: Complete redevelopment of the Image/Thumb Selection Field NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Change the selection to multiple or single NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set the Padding and background of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set the Border width and color of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Set the Border radius of the image wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Change the image size: Use auto or custom fixed sizes NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Set the label to top or bottom of the image NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Change the label bold, italic, underline settings NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Position the label horizontally left, right or center NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Change the label colors NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set the Padding and background of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set the Border width and color of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Set the Border radius of the Label wrapper NEW: Thumb/Image Field Setting – Set margin offsets to position the label wrapper anywhere, even over the image. NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Use from 1500 plus icons for select thumb/image NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set rounded or square border for selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Position the selection indicator vertically: center, top, bottom – Horizontally: center, left, right. NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set Background color for selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Set font color for selection indicator icon NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Use from 70 animations for checked selection indicator NEW: Thumb/Image Field Settings – Use from 70 animations for unchecked selection indicator IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Image/Thumb Selection Field. ADDED: Covert old thumbs to new thumbs Survey/Rating Field NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the size of the rating icon NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon for ON rating selection (default star) NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon for OFF rating selection (default star-o) NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon for HALF rating selection (if enabled) (default star-half) NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon Color for ON rating selection NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon Color OFF rating selection NEW: Rating Field Setting – Set the icon Color HALF rating selection (if enabled) IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of the entire Rating Field. Dropdown Selects IMPROVED: Overall styling of dropdown multi selects Tags Field NEW: Tags Field Setting – Use from 1500 plus icons for field Pre-Icon NEW: Tags Field Setting – Use from 1500 plus icons for field Post-Icon FIXED: Change text into tags when leaving the field (on-blur) Sliders IMPROVED: Overall look and feel of Sliders Math Logic NEW: Math Logic Setting. Change the Thousand and decimal delimiters. Enabled to to run calculations in any format whatsoever. Conditional Logic NEW: Added “Greater then or Equal” check for Conditional logic (check both these in a single condition) NEW: Added “Less then or Equal” check for Conditional logic (check both these in a single condition) Popup Forms: NEW: Added V-margin setting for popup forms in shortcode and/or PHP NEW: Added H-margin setting for popup forms in shortcode and/or PHP NEW: Added Enable/Disable Backdrop for popup forms NEW: Added opacity setting for backdrop (if enabled) NEW: Enable/Disable scrolling while popup form is open Other IMPROVED: Maximum character limit validation for Text and Text-area fields IMPROVED: Minimum character limit validation for Text and Text-area fields FIXED: Setting Default Radios and Checks from URL’s, field settings and popup shortcodes FIXED: Backlash issue when populating a field from the URL with an ‘ in the value FIXED: Various reported styling interference from various themes 28 CodeCanyon