March 21, 2023 Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce v4.0.6 Plugify Nulled – Free Download Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce Nulled v4.0.6 | Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce Free Download v4.0.6 allows to create product based discounts as well as cart based discounts. With product based discount rule you can offer discount on products’ quantity ranges or set price per product quantity. It creates a pricing table to set discounts on various quantity ranges, creates multiple rules to set different discount offers on various products, and applies each rule to various products and categories to save time. Using cart based discount rule you can provide a discount in cart totals on the cart page. You can provide a discount based on the quantity of total cart items. Option add multiple conditions which customers have to meet to avail cart discount. You can also set offer discounts to specific user roles—a useful feature for B2B stores. With WooCommerce quantity discounts plugin, you can provide fixed or percentage discounts or set discounted prices. The extension displays the pricing table on product pages that encourages customers to increase their order quantities to get valuable discounts. Features of WooCommerce Quantity Discounts Plugin 1.1 Discount on quantity ranges 2 Changelog Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce Nulled Features of WooCommerce Quantity Discounts Plugin Offer Product based discounts & Cart based discounts Set Quantity Range, Price per Quantity and Mix & Match discount on products Provide Cart based discount on cart items quantity and create multiple conditions Option to provide quantity discount if any from the selected products are in cart Option to highlight the current applicable discount for customers Create multiple rules to set quantity-based discounts Supports three types of discounts: fixed, percentage, and discounted prices Apply discount rules on specific products, variations or categories Offer discounts for specific user roles Display pricing tables on product pages Customize pricing tables with text colors, background colors, etc. Option to display smallest price on shop page Display pricing tables before product summary, after, or before add to cart button Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce Free Download Discount on quantity ranges WooCommerce quantity based pricing plugin allows you to set various discounts on quantity ranges. It also displays pricing tables on product pages and instantly highlights the current applicable discount based on product quantity selected by customer. It is a great way to encourage customers to add more quantity to their carts to trigger the discount offers. Changelog Quantity Discounts & Pricing For Woocommerce Nulled 2023-01-04 – version 4.0.3 * Resolved bug of categories while checkbox checked 2022-07-23 – version 4.0.2 * Add notes in rule settings 2022-07-20 – version 4.0.1 * Modify UI/UX 2022-07-16 – version 4.0.0 * Added cart based discount Options * Changed layout for general settings * Separate settings for product and cart based discount * Popup on the frontend to display cart based discount offers 2022-06-07 – version 3.0.2 * Modify UI/UX 2022-06-06 – version 3.0.1 * Minor Bug fixes 2022-06-04 – version 3.0.0 * Merge quantity and range based rules (with no affect on previous rules/previous users) * Add feature to set texts for table columns * Modify rules to enable whole quantity count of products or categories * Include variations in rule * Modify Design * Fix bugs for guest users * Fix tax related issues * Remove bootsrtap from entire code * Notes For Existing Customers: Please clear your cache after updation (reload the page by pressing ctrl+shift+r) 2021-12-16 – version 2.0.1 * Add feature to add custom css for quantity tables * Enable quantity rules on private products 2021-12-13 – version 2.0.0 * Add feature to enable/disable dynamic price on product page * Add feature to enable/disable starting price label on shop and category pages * Add feature to add custom text for starting price label 2021-12-09 – version 1.0.9 * Solve dynamic price change bug for guest users 2021-12-01 – version 1.0.8 * Add feature to hide/show columns from table * Optimise code 2021-11-20 – version 1.0.7 * Bug Fixes 2021-11-20 – version 1.0.6 * Bug Fixes * add loader on ajax calls 2021-09-24 – version 1.0.5 * Add feature to save rule names * Make strings translatable 2021-09-23 – version 1.0.4 * minor bug fixes 2021-09-23 – version 1.0.3 * Add feature to change price dynamically on product pages, on qty change. * Css fixes. * Change hooks priority to solve compatibility issues. 2021-07-26 – version 1.0.2 * Change price to “Starting From: ” on shop page to encourage customers * Minimize columns in pricing table to make table more attractive * Add quantity based rules along with ranges based. 2021-07-13 – version 1.0.1 * Fix css design issues 2021-06-20 – version 1.0.0 * Initial Release 23 Uncategorized