January 5, 2023 Theater v1.2.8 – Concert & Art Event Entertainment Theme – Theater WP Theme Download Free Theater v1.2.8 – Concert & Art Event Entertainment Theme 2 Features 3 Changelog Theater WP Theme Nulled Download Free Theater v1.2.8 – Concert & Art Event Entertainment Theme Theater – Concert & Art Event Entertainment Theme Free Download v1.2.8 – ThemeForest | Theater v1.2.8 – Concert & Art Event Entertainment Theme is a single-in-class WordPress theme for theatres, operas, and art events, featuring advanced portfolio features to display theater plays and photographs of entertainment events, opera records, and promo videos. theater-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip The Theater WordPress Theme includes functionality profiles to showcase actors and opera singers and performers in your theatre. Event calendar function allows you to advertise your festival schedule for theater, cinema and art events, opera and ballet premieres, performance, and theater. The theme includes a wide range of custom widgets, allowing even more content management opportunities and providing advanced social networking options such as Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter. Features Custom Admin panel – we have greatly extended initial WordPress admin to provide you with more functionality that includes a wide variety of options and settings and provides maximum customization flexibility to help you create a opera, theater, art event or entertainment website. Valid CSS3 and HTML5 – valid code and optimized structure is one of the key points for a successful website that will be successfully crawled and indexed by search engines. Helpful Customer support – our support is always noted by our customers as fast, helping and professional. We care about this status and do our best to make website maintenance easier for you, providing effective troubleshooting. Detailed Theme Knowledgebase – theme documentation covers all the possible questions, so that even a newbie can succeed to create a great website in a reasonable time. Many screenshots from admin panel and front-end to make it even easier. Custom Widgets – the theme includes a large collection of custom widgets, that allow even more content management possibilities and provide advanced options for social networks, like Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. Layer Slider & Revolution Slider – this concert, art event, ticket reservation entertainment theme comes with two popular slider plugins included, a Layer and Revolution Slider, both have supreme functionality and breathtaking effects. No need to purchase them, it’s all in! 99+ Custom Shortcodes – 99+ Custom Shortcodes work as fantastic building blocks for your pages. Very diverse and easy to manage, you will love them! Custom Post Types – Custom Projects and Profiles post type is an ultimate combination for websites of any category and purpose! Google Fonts – Hundreds of Google fonts let you customize website appearance completely, they are easy to add and can be used anywhere. Responsive Layout – Theater – Concert & Art Event Entertainment WordPress Theme for opera and ballet has a responsive layout that will respond to your screen width and make content appearance be perfect on all devices, from large desktop screens to mobile phones and tablets. Retina Ready Theme for WordPress – Retina displays set special demands to websites, and good day theme is developed to have an ultimate performance on all retina displays, providing premium presentation quality for your website elements. Custom Page Backgrounds – you can set a custom background for any page and post on your website, as well as define in for the whole website in general. Choose color or image background and set repeat type and positioning to it. Unlimited Menu Colors – unlimited color possibilities for you main navigation and many other website elements lets you adapt your website appearance to your company style. You can set any color to each of your menu elements. If you need to create a website for a theater, ballet, concert, art events, , nightlife and entertainment, Theater WordPress Theme will do the work for you. Theater WP Theme Free Download Links theater-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Demo https://themeforest.net/item/theater-concert-art-event-entertainment-theme/20428253 Changelog Theater WP Theme Nulled Version 1.2.6: 1. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 2. Fixed custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 3. Fixed gateway form in tickets payment. 4. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 5. Updated Woocommerce template 6. Updated plugins 7. Updated translates ————————————– Version 1.2.5: 1. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes 2. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks 3. Fixed twitter connection 4. Updated plugins 5. Updated translates ————————————– Version 1.2.4: 1. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.2.3: 1. Fixed Events Calendar colors 2. Fixed hover slider script 3. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.2.2: 1. Update Plugins 2. Update Translate 3. Fixed demo content 4. Small fixes for The Events Calendar updated design ————————————– Version 1.2.1: 1. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design 2. Update Plugins 3. Update Translate ————————————– Version 1.2.0: 1. Fixed comment form rating in single product reviews 2. Added function wp_body_open() 3. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 4. Fixed Load More 5. Updated woo files 6. Layer and Rev sliders scripts in Gutenberg editor 7. Fix for short syntax in js 8. Fix iLightbox 9. Fix CC shortcodes in woo shop 10. Add example for MPTT demo content in theme 11. Fix register settings 12. Added deprecated function for Flickr widget 13. Update isotope js 14. Update Plugins 15. Update Translate ————————————– Version 1.1.9: 1. Schedule hover fix 2. WP 5.6 section and column update fix 3. WP 5.6 pop-up fix 4. WP 5.6 drag&drop fix 5. WP 5.6 columns fix 6. Update isotope 7. Update ilightbox 8. Update plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.8: 1. Update isotope 2. RevSlider 6.2.23 3. Blog puzzle layout fix 4. Updated translations ————————————– Version 1.1.7: 1. Gutenberg styles fix 2. Update Woocommerce 4.5.1 3. Envato theme check fix 4. Fix for span tag 5. Yoast SEO breadcrumbs fix 6. Shop sidebar fix 7. Classic Editor fix 8. PHP 7.4 implode fix 9. Gutenberg 8.9.2 notices and CC button fixes 10. Update plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.6: 1. WP 5.5 Color Picker fix 2. Removed Form Builder plugin ————————————– Version 1.1.5: 1. revslider 6.2.4 2. layerslider 6.11.1 3. woo 4.1.0 4. Gutenberg Fixes 5. text-domains fix 6. fix revslider && layerslider conflict ————————————– Version 1.1.4: 1. revslider 6.1.5 2. Fixed import revslider 3. layerslider 6.10.0 4. TGMPA fix 5. woo 3.8.1 ————————————– Version 1.1.3: 1. CC update 2.3.9 2. layerslider 6.8.3 3. Gutenberg fixes 4. Woo 3.6.2 5. Fix isotope ————————————– Version 1.1.2: 1. CC update 2.3.8 2. CFB 1.4.7 3. Gutenberg fixes 4. Fixed project puzzle and recommended proportion project puzzle image 5. Add into Theme Settings checkbox, which do cart icon hidden (even Woo active) 6. Fixed “Columns Custom Height Behavior” 7. Custom meta box functions are allowed for design only. Removed ‘Read More’ from post options if CC inactive 8. Woo 3.6.1 ————————————– Version 1.1.1: 1. CC update 2.3.6 2. CFB 1.4.5 3. Gutenberg fixes 4. Woo fix for dublicate variable without image on lightbox 5. Tickera fix for tabs in open post 6. revslider 7. layerslider 6.8.2 8. Woo 3.5.5 ————————————– Version 1.1.0: 1. CC update 2.3.5 2. revslider 3. CMSMasters Importer update 1.0.3 4. CMSMasters Custom Fonts update 1.0.1 5. Gutenberg fixes 6. Classic Editor recommendation has been removed 7. WP 5.0.2 support ————————————– Version 1.0.9: 1. CC update 2.3.4 2. CFB update 1.4.4 3. CMSMasters Importer added 4. CMSMasters Custom Fonts added 5. Search layout 6. Update woo 3.5.2 7. Gutenberg support 8. Events calendar (4.5 pro) ————————————– Version 1.0.8: 1. CC update 2.2.8(Update for Gutenberg) 2. Update events calendar 4.6.21 (Pro 4.4.30) 3. Woo Checkout coupon description fix 4. Fix order details for variable product 5. Fix headline background attachment for touch device 6. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery ————————————– Version 1.0.7: 1. Update comments (add cookies checkbox) 2. Add privacy policy link to footer 3. Add Cookie Notice plugin to plugin activator 4. Woo 3.4.0 5. Fixed adaptive gallery-columns 6. CC 2.2.5 7. CFB 1.4.3 8. LayerSlider 6.7.6 9. revslider 10. envato-market 2.0.0 11. Added new icon “tripadvisor” 12. Mailpoet 3 ————————————– Version 1.0.6: 1. Woo 3.3.3 2. LayerSlider 6.7.0 3. Revslider 4. CC 2.1.9 ————————————– Version 1.0.5: 1. CC 2.1.8 2. LayerSlider 6.6.5 3. Revslider 4. CFB 1.4.1 5. Fix current category link in breadcrumbs 6. Fix pagination size 7. Fix for commetns theme 8. Fix empty bottom sidebar 9. Fix columns behavior on safari 10. Add Category Order to Post Nav box ————————————– Version 1.0.4: 1. Update color-picker-alpha 2. LayerSlider 6.6.1 3. Revslider 4. Added plugin Envato Market 5. Event list ‘read more’ translation fix ————————————– Version 1.0.2: 1. CC update 2.1.4 2. LayerSlider update to 6.5.8 3. revslider update to 4. CFB update to 1.4.0 5. Fix one page navigation 6. Fix navigation on responsive without fixed header 7. Fix for export-import widgets 8. Moving third-party libraries to individual files 9. Fix for google fonts include 10. Add option for projects (project puzzle image) 11. Fix for profile and project features ————————————– Version 1.0.1: 1. CC update 2.1.3 2. LayerSlider update to 6.5.7 3. CFB update to 1.3.9 4. Fix for footer border-top color 5. Fix for single post img, add lightbox ————————————– theater-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip 38 Business Corporate