April 8, 2023 TownPress v3.8.5 – Municipality WordPress Theme – TownPress – Municipality & Town Government WordPress ThemeDownload Free TownPress WordPress Theme 3.8.5 – ThemeForest | TownPress v3.8.5 – Municipality WordPress Theme (Updated on 16th February 2018) is an undoubtedly ideal WordPress theme for all type of small towns or villages. This premium web design is tailored to suit all the basic needs of a modern municipality. TownPress WP Template offers a lot of very niche-specific features such as local upcoming events, weather widget,  galleries, town documents, forums (via bbPress plugin) and more. This is a very great theme for your own city or town portal! It is ready to be translated into your language (using fully support for RTL languages) and it is bundled with the most powerful page builder Visual Composer page builder to make content editing as easy as possible. townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Features 2 Changelog TownPress WordPress Theme Nulled Features Several map providers Google Maps, Mapbox and Open Street Map support for directory listings and event locations. Mobile-friendly design The theme looks great and it’s easy to work with on devices of various screen sizes. Gutenberg compatible Support for WordPress native editor to easily build your custom pages. There is no need for a 3rd party page builder (but it also works with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder). Forum capabilities TownPress supports the bbPress plugin, which can be used to create a powerful forum within your website. Custom color schemes Create a custom color scheme by picking main colors via admin in just a few clicks, or get more involved using the dedicated CSS (SCSS) file and be able to change every color of the theme. Translation files included This theme and all the bundled LSVR plugins are completely translatable. Modular post types You can disable post types you don’t need to make your admin completely bloat-free. Demo content included You can re-create the live preview site in a matter of few minutes (however, please note that demo images are not included for copyright reasons). Developer-friendly code The code is well-commented and all front-end code can be overriden via a child theme. Child theme included Make your site ready for a more advanced code customization. RTL support The theme will automatically switch to RTL (Right-to-left) mode when you switch your site language to RTL one. PHP 8 compatibility Squeeze the most of your server performance by using the latest version of PHP. TownPress WordPress Theme Free Download Link townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip Demo http://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395 Changelog TownPress WordPress Theme Nulled v3.8.3 Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.10.0 (learn how to update it https://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395/faqs/32829) Changed core files: style.css —————————— v3.8.2 Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.9.0 (learn how to update it https://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395/faqs/32829) Changed core files: style.css —————————— v3.8.1 Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.8.0 (learn how to update it https://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395/faqs/32829) Changed core files: style.css —————————— v3.8.0 Changed accent colors to more contrast ones for all predefined color schemes for increased accessibility. To switch back to original colors, just go to Appearance / Cutomize / Colors, set “Set Colors By” to “Custom Colors” and change Accent to one of these values: Default: #ec5237 Blue: #2196F3 Green: #4CAF50 Orange: #FB8C00 Blue grey: #607D8B Fixed issue with the child theme so its style.css is now properly loaded after the color scheme. To make the change on the existing installation, overwrite line 10 in functions.php of your child theme with this line: add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘lsvr_townpress_child_enqueue_parent_styles’, 20 ); Updated LSVR Events plugin to 1.9.6 Updated LSVR Galleries plugin to 1.7.2 Updated child theme to version 3.1.1 Changed core files: style.css, assets, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.7.3 Items in the first level of navigation in both Header Menu and Header Mobile Menu can now contain an icon. Just add the icon class to the “Description” field of the menu item (it works for the menu assigned to the TownPress Menu widget as well). Updated LSVR TownPress Toolkit plugin to 1.5.9 Changed core files: style.css, assets, rtl.css, inc/classes/lsvr-townpress-header-menu-walker.php, inc/classes/lsvr-townpress-header-mobile-menu-walker.php —————————— v3.7.2 Added an option to set a default right sidebar for pages which do not offer its choice in the Customizer, like search results page or 3rd party CPT pages. You can find this option under Appearance / Misc / Default Right Sidebar. Fixed minor issues with theme translation files Changed core files: style.css, languages, inc/classes/tgm-plugin-activation.php, inc/actions, inc/customizer-config.php, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.7.1 Improved PHP 8 compatibility Updated LSVR Elements plugin to 1.4.8 Updated LSVR Events plugin to 1.9.5 Updated LSVR Framework plugin to 1.8.5 Updated LSVR Galleries plugin to 1.7.1 Updated LSVR 3rd Party Toolkit to 1.2.3 Various small fixes Changed core files: style.css, inc/classes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.7.0 Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.8 Updated LSVR Framework plugin to 1.8.4 Updated LSVR TownPress Toolkit plugin to 1.5.8 Changed core files: style.css, functions.php, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.6.10 Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.7.0 (learn how to update it https://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395/faqs/32829) Changed core files: style.css —————————— v3.6.9 Fixed issue in TownPress Posts element with chosen category not working properly. Updated LSVR TownPress Toolkit plugin to 1.5.7 Changed core files: style.css, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.6.8 Fixed issue with LSVR Posts widget and TownPress Posts element so the sticky posts will now show at the top as they should. Updated LSVR TownPress Toolkit plugin to 1.5.6 Updated LSVR Elements plugin to 1.4.7 Changed core files: style.css, languages, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.6.7 Fixed issue with TownPress Posts element and LSVR Posts widget. Updated LSVR Elements plugin to 1.4.6 Updated LSVR TownPress Theme Toolkit plugin to 1.5.5 Changed core files: style.css, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.6.6 Fixed issue with the displayed number of external document attachments in admin. Updated LSVR Documents plugin to 1.7.2 Updated LSVR Elements plugin to 1.4.5 Updated LSVR TownPress Theme Toolkit plugin to 1.5.4 Updated WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.6.0 (learn how to update it https://themeforest.net/item/townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme/11490395/faqs/32829) Changed core files: style.css, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins —————————— v3.6.5 You can now use CURRENT_YEAR variable in the footer text field to display the current year. Updated LSVR Events plugin to 1.9.3 Updated LSVR Framework plugin to 1.8.3 Changed core files: style.css, languages, inc/customizer-config.php, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins Changed template files: template-parts/footer/text.php —————————— v3.6.4 Updated LSVR Elements plugin to 1.4.4 Changed core files: style.css, inc/tgm-settings.php, inc/plugins townpress-municipality-wordpress-theme-nulled-LATEST.zip 33 Business Corporate