April 3, 2023 W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 Nulled – W3 Total Cache Pro Download Free W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 Nulled 2 Features 3 W3 Total Cache Pro Free Download Link 4 Changelog W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled Download Free W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 Nulled W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled – WP Cache Plugin Free Download 2.3.3 – w3-edge | W3 Total Cache Pro v2.3.3 Nulled – WP Cache Plugin adds features that are interesting to any publisher who is concerned to run a successful website. w3-total-cache-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip Modernization to Pro not only unlocks the following features, but it also allows you to upgrade the new features, which we are looking forward to sharing in the near future. Once the call for action is clicked, you will be given a secure form that will take in your credit card information and your account details (PayPal is not supported but remains tuned). Upon completion of the process, the license key should be applied automatically (that unlocks new functions). If not, the license key should be e-mailed to you that you can just paste into the “License” field of the W3TC General Settings page. Features Compatible with shared hosting, virtual private / dedicated servers and dedicated servers / clusters Transparent content delivery network (CDN) management with Media Library, theme files and WordPress itself Mobile support: respective caching of pages by referrer or groups of user agents including theme switching for groups of referrers or user agents Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS) support Caching of (minified and compressed) pages and posts in memory or on disk or on (FSD) CDN (by user agent group) Caching of (minified and compressed) CSS and JavaScript in memory, on disk or on CDN Caching of feeds (site, categories, tags, comments, search results) in memory or on disk or on CDN Caching of search results pages (i.e. URIs with query string variables) in memory or on disk Caching of database objects in memory or on disk Caching of objects in memory or on disk Caching of fragments in memory or on disk Caching methods include local Disk, Redis, Memcached, APC, APCu, eAccelerator, XCache, and WinCache Minify CSS, Minify JavaScript and Minify HTML with granular control Minification of posts and pages and RSS feeds Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party JavaScript with automated updates to assets Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS with automated updates to assets Defer non critical CSS and Javascript for rendering pages faster than ever before Defer offscreen images using Lazy Load to improve the user experience Browser caching using cache-control, future expire headers and entity tags (ETag) with “cache-busting” JavaScript grouping by template (home page, post page etc) with embed location control Non-blocking JavaScript embedding Import post attachments directly into the Media Library (and CDN) Leverage our multiple CDN integrations to optimize images WP-CLI support for cache purging, query string updating and more Various security features to help ensure website safety Caching statistics for performance insights of any enabled feature Extension framework for customization or extensibility for Cloudflare, WPML and much more Reverse proxy integration via Nginx or Varnish Image Service API extension provides WebP image format conversion from common image formats (on upload and on demand) W3 Total Cache Pro Free Download Link w3-total-cache-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip Demo https://www.w3-edge.com/solutions/w3-total-cache-pro/ Changelog W3 Total Cache Pro Nulled 2.3.0 Feature: PageSpeed Insights reports and performance page widget Feature: Added basic OpenLiteSpeed support Feature: Add Permissions-Policy to mirror Feature-Policy directives Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility Fix: GuzzleHttp 7 conflict with Azure Fix: Allow object cache updates when using WP-CLI Fix: Added missing Page Cache configuration “host” value Fix: Missing on_comment_status action callback Fix: Flush cache on attachment update Fix: Varnish flush for posts Update: Improved comment status logic for flushing database and object caches Update: Adjusted FTP form style Update: Removed deprecated MaxCDN and NetDNA components and added a notice if one was used Update: Removed deprecated FeedBurner 2.2.12 Fix: Comment status change error Fix: Varnish flush post arguments 2.2.11 Fix: Error when flushing page cache after an attachment update 2.2.10 Fix: Optimized and fixed object cache flushing Fix: Scheduled post page cache flushing Fix: Admin bar flush cache for current page with disabled purge policy Fix: Loop when disabling Minify HTTP/2 push setting Fix: Extension admin notice missing links Update: Removed custom translation files 2.2.9 Fix: Reset our textdomain for translations 2.2.8 Fix: Escape output in compatibility checker, minify, and New Relic pages Fix: Admin notice buttons on non-plugin pages Fix: Namespace on exception type in a minify class Fix: Translation issues due to hooks and typos Fix: Broken JavaScript in admin_print_scripts calls when language is not English Fix: Deprecated warnings in JS and CSS minify Update: Translation files 2.2.7 Fix: Updated database cache connection class to avoid deprecated warnings in WordPress 6.1 Fix: Redis: Fixed handling of retry interval and timeout options for usage statistics Enhancement: Redis: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option Enhancement: Page cache: Added query string exemptions 2.2.6 Fix: Error clearing all cache when using Cloudfront full CDN in Pro 2.2.5 Fix: Revert WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter Fix: DB cache syntax error in PHP 5.6 Fix: Added missing space to S3 CDN bucket label Fix: JS error for CloudFront CDN related check on non-W3TC pages Fix: Page cache unpack warning for empty/malformed files Enhancement: Image Service pre_get_posts anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_modify_query_obj) Enhancement: Image Service ajax_query_attachments_args anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_filter_ajax_args) 2.2.4 Fix: Extensions URL in settings Fix: Redis undefined array key warnings Fix: Redis connect issue based on phpredis version Fix: Sanitization of licensing messages Fix: DB cache error in Ajax Fix: Call to undefined function in DB cache query class Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: join Fix: WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter Enhancement: Add setting for AWS S3 public objects in ACL Enhancement: Check if post is empty before cache flush Enhancement: Add max lifetime setting for non-disk page cache Enhancement: Add notice when selecting CDN using CloudFront Update: CSS Tidy 1.7.3 => 2.0.1 Update: Add sns-message-validator Security: Ensure cache writes in cache folders 2.2.3 Fix: Redis Cache: Removed exception on warnings Fix: Compatibility check for WP_CACHE Fix: Flush all cache cache except Cloudflare button Fix: License terms update notice escaping Fix: Feature Showcase: Image Service activate button Security: Updated guzzle http/guzzle to 6.5.8 2.2.2 Security: PHPCS and WPCS updates Security: Updated guzzle http/guzzle to 6.5.6 Security: Updated guzzle http/psr7 to 1.8.5 Fix: Cloudflare flush all cache Fix: Access log test Fix: Better handling for PHP 5.6 Fix: Convert Redis warnings to exceptions Fix: WordPress 5.5 image lazy loading Fix: Infinite loop when using database cluster configuration Fix: Database cluster logic Fix: FTP credentials form Fix: Preview deploy button Fix: Image Service links in multisite network admin Fix: Enable Image Service settings changes in multisite blog/sub sites Enhancement: Updated Cloudflare settings to allow a global API key or token Enhancement: Added Cloudflare CDN public objects option to settings Enhancement: Added timeout settings for Redis Enhancement: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option for Redis Enhancement: Added Image Service visibility option Enhancement: Updated Image Service limit notification Enhancement: Better handling of trailing slash URLs Update: Adjusted lightbox for accessibility Update: Removed deprecated opcache flush 2.2.1 Fix: Cloudflare: Removed use of the retired ip_lkup V1 endpoint Fix: Prevent error in some environments using non-direct filesystems Fix: Added better checking for some filesystem actions Fix: AWS CloudFront: Reverted async change for cache invalidation to honor promises Enhancement: Added option to exclude minified JS files from being processed by Rocket Loader Enhancement: Improved handling of Image Service rate-limiting and error messages 2.2.0 Feature: Image Service API extension: WebP conversion options 2.1.9 Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Updated to use GraphQL Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Use WordPress timezone Fix: CDN: Execute purge only if hosting is enabled, to prevent unneeded delays Fix: Published/modified custom posts not clearing the archive cache(s) Fix: Native WordPress sitemap caching Fix: Extra MIME groups other than controlled by settings were added to rules Fix: Usage Statistics: Not functioning when object cache is set to Redis Fix: AMP Extension: Prevent popup admin bar for endpoints Fix: Setup Guide Wizard: CSS for long translations Fix: Opcache Settings: Validate timestamp indicator checkbox Update: Remove robots.txt cache toggle setting Enhancement: Impove 404 detection Enhancement: Improved compatibility check indicators Enhancement: AWS CloudFront: Faster cache invalidation using async 2.1.8 Fix: Corrected handling of robots.txt (file and filter) 2.1.7 Fix: Corrected relative paths used in the JS minify YUI Compressor Fix: Disallow crawling of cache directory Fix: Responsive display for the dashboard Enhancement: Added lazy load threshold setting Enhancement: Added feature policy security headers to settings 2.1.6 Fix: JS minify issue with template literal backticks Fix: Do not redirect when using WP-CLI Fix: Missing whitespace in Memcached Nginx configuration Fix: Setting for CDN over passive FTP Fix: Updated CDN Minify regex Fix: Added missing text domains and fixed translations Enhancement: Allow default AWS credentials provider Enhancement: Added error logging when minification base URL is not found w3-total-cache-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip 20 Uncategorized