May 20, 2023 Whiskers Theme v1.1.9 – Pets Store | Vet Clinic | Animal Adoption Free Download – Download Free Whiskers Theme v1.1.9 – Pets Store | Vet Clinic | Animal Adoption 2 Whiskers Theme – Pet and Vet WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog Download Free Whiskers Theme v1.1.9 – Pets Store | Vet Clinic | Animal Adoption Whiskers Theme – Pets Store | Vet Clinic | Animal Adoption Free Download 1.1.9 – ThemeForest | Whiskers Theme v1.1.9 – Pets Store | Vet Clinic | Animal Adoption Nulled is a completely sensitive WordPress theme that is ideally suited to pet shops, hospitals, animal shelters, fundraisers and other websites for advocacy. The beautiful concept for the completely supported WooCommerce plugin developed for pet stores and medical clinics. A custom CMSMasters Donation plugin, which is included in the theme folder, is the main feature of the Whiskers theme Nulled. (LATEST) You can create fundraiser campaigns, raise donations for any welfare and social services, run several different donation campaigns at a time, show each campaign’s success, and even show some donors to encourage others. The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar PRO extension compatibility (PRO addon must be purchased separately as the app does not have a license to use it), as well as the Mega Menu features, are fully developed and incorporated. This pet theme is completely backed with comprehensive documentation and has so many useful features and options to create a powerful virtual presence for any company or charity related to animals. Demo Whiskers Theme- Pet and Vet WordPress Theme Free Download (LATEST) Whiskers Theme – Pet and Vet WordPress Theme Nulled Changelog Version 1.1.4: 1. Fix for WooCommerce 6.9.0 2. Fix for webp format in jQuery iLightBox 3. Fixed apply custom fonts in gutenberg editor. 4. Fixed fatal error on PHP 8 5. The Events Calendar V2: fixed deprecated function warning in single event. 6. Updated plugins 7. Updated translates ————————————– Version 1.1.3: 1. Fixed pingbacks & trackbacks 2. Fixed twitter connection 3. Updated plugins 4. Updated translates 5. Fixed twitter icon in open project ————————————– Version 1.1.2: 1. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.1.1: 1. Fixed hover slider script 2. Fixed behavior section setting for Posts Slider, Pricing Table and Gallery shortcodes 3. Fixed Events Calendar colors 4. Updated plugins 5. Fixed campaign progress ————————————– Version 1.1.0: 1. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design 2. Updated plugins ————————————– Version 1.0.9: 1. revslider 6.5.6 2. Small fix for The Events Calendar updated design ————————————– Version 1.0.8: 1. Added function wp_body_open() 2. Fixed jQuery Migrate notices 3. Fixed Load More 4. Fix for short syntax in js 5. Fix iLightbox 6. Added deprecated function for Flickr widget 7. Update isotope js 8. Update Plugins 9. Update Translate 10. Fixed demo content 11. Fixed The Events Calendar updated design ————————————– Version 1.0.7: 1. Added translation of the Previous/Next Post 2. Envato theme check fix 3. Yoast SEO breadcrumbs fix 4. Classic Editor fix 5. PHP 7.4 implode fix 6. Gutenberg plugin notices and CC button fixes 7. Shop sidebar fix 8. WP 5.6 pop-up fix 9. WP 5.6 drag&drop fix 10. WP 5.6 columns fix 11. WP 5.6 section and column update fix 12. Update isotope 13. Update ilightbox 14. Update plugins ————————————– Version 1.0.6: 1. WP 5.5 Color Picker fix 2. Removed Form Builder plugin ————————————– Version 1.0.5: 1. Update plugins 2. Updated LayerSlider to ver. 6.11.1 3. Updated RevSlider to ver. 6.2.15 ————————————– Version 1.0.4: 1. Updated Woocommerce to ver. 3.6.0 2. New version jquery.isotope.min.js 3. Updated LayerSlider to ver. 6.8.3 ————————————– Version 1.0.3: 1. Add One Click Demo Import plugin Support 2. Fix for social sharing shortcode 3. Change default layout and archive layout in settings 4. Fixed Change layout to fullwidth if sidebar is empty 5. Fix sidebar shop 6. Fix for demo content 7. Change cookie notice plugin 8. Remove envato market plugin zip archive from theme 9. Add external link to github repository for envato market plugin 10. Update woocommerce 11. Insert gutenberg editor to theme 12. Fixed Logo Type Text 13. Fix adaptive for clients 5 column 14. Fix button in post “Template: Password Protected” 15. Fix caption for gallery if 9 columns 16. Fix clients 17. Fixed align default images 18. Added descriptions for theme 19. Search layout 20. Change google fonts and add local fonts 21. Fixed website in Contact Info Widget 22. Fix for responsive logo images 23. Update plugins ————————————– Version 1.0.2: 1. Datepicker styles fix 2. Remove library that are already pre-packaged with WordPress 3. Included library imagesloaded instead 4. Remove envato market plugin zip archive from theme 5. Add external link to github repository for envato market plugin 6. Fixes for Envato Theme Check 7. Fix for events calendar if venue is empty 8. Fix campaign funds in edit campaign 9. Remove inline styles from admin 10. Fix adaptive for clients 5 column 11. Fix button in post “Template: Password Protected” 12. Fix caption for gallery if 9 columns ————————————– Version 1.0.1: 1. Fix to subpage navigation items 2. Smooth Sticky update 3. Fix for iLightbox in load more gallery 4. Update events calendar 4.6.21 5. Update for Gutenberg 6. Fix to event featured ————————————– 27 Business Corporate