April 2, 2023 WooCommerce Brands Premium v1.6.49 Free Download – WooCommerce Brands Premium Nulled woocommerce-brands-nulled-LATEST.zip WooCommerce Brands Premium Nulled v1.6.49 | WooCommerce Brands Premium Free Download v1.6.49 allows you to create brands for your shop; each brand can be named, described and assigned an image. Brands can then be: Listed, indexed, on a page using a special A-Z shortcode Displayed as thumbnails on a page using a shortcode Displayed in the sidebar using a widget Assigned to a product Used to view products using a dedicated layered nav widget After assigning brands to products, the layered nav widget allows customers to view products by brand in addition to attribute filters. The archive template can optionally show the brand description, or you can use a widget instead. A useful feature is the A-Z shortcode which lets you list your brands on their own page and makes finding brands easy. WooCommerce Brands Premium Plugin Free Download Link 2 Changelog WooCommerce Brands Premium Plugin Nulled WooCommerce Brands Premium Plugin Free Download Link woocommerce-brands-nulled-LATEST.zip Changelog WooCommerce Brands Premium Plugin Nulled Version 1.6.42 RELEASED ON 2023-01-31 sass` package with `sass`. Add automation. Prevent the Brands column from overflowing the Products table. Version 1.6.41 RELEASED ON 2023-01-04 Add node and npm version restrictions. WC 7.3 compatibility. Version 1.6.40 RELEASED ON 2022-12-13 Release v1.6.39. WC 7.2 compatibility. Version 1.6.39 RELEASED ON 2022-11-08 Add HPOS compatibility. WC 7.1 compatibility. WP 6.1 compatibility. Version 1.6.38 RELEASED ON 2022-10-13 WC 7.0 compatibility. Version 1.6.37 RELEASED ON 2022-09-27 Fixes tax query ignoring category (#230). Version 1.6.36 RELEASED ON 2022-09-02 labels GH workflow. GH release config and the new PR template. WC 6.9 compatibility. Version 1.6.35 RELEASED ON 2022-07-27 Coupons logic for variable products. WC 6.8 compatibility. Version 1.6.34 RELEASED ON 2022-07-06 WC 6.7 compatibility. Version 1.6.33 RELEASED ON 2022-06-21 Avoid collisions with other coupons. Logic applying the coupon in the backend . Solve critical error applying coupons in REST API. Version 1.6.32 RELEASED ON 2022-06-07 WC 6.6 compatibility. Version 1.6.31 RELEASED ON 2022-05-19 Display brands with only draft products. Enable brands when the block editor is used for products. Show sorting handles on the dashboard Brands page. Version 1.6.30 RELEASED ON 2022-05-05 compatibility error with WordPress 6.0 and Full Site Editor . Dropped WC<3.6 support. WC 6.5 and WP 6.0 compatibility. Version 1.6.29 RELEASED ON 2022-03-29 text domain for translations. Version 1.6.28 RELEASED ON 2022-03-04 incompatibility with WC Blocks 7.0.0. Version 1.6.27 RELEASED ON 2022-02-03 Update schema.org Brand markup. Version 1.6.26 RELEASED ON 2022-01-18 Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.0 and WooCommerce 6.1 Full Site Editing. . Enable version replacement. Set default values for thumbnail widget. WC 6.1 compatibility. Version 1.6.25 RELEASED ON 2021-06-01 Plugin screen `Docs` link now links to correct documentation URL. Version 1.6.24 RELEASED ON 2021-02-04 WC 5.0 compatibility. WordPress 5.6.1 compatibility. Version 1.6.23 RELEASED ON 2020-12-15 WordPress 4.4, WooCommerce 3.2 Allow pagination and limit for the brand products shortcode. Version 1.6.22 RELEASED ON 2020-12-01 WC 4.7 compatibility. WordPress 5.6 compatibility. Version 1.6.21 RELEASED ON 2020-11-06 Replace deprecated function use when WC 3.3+ is active. Version 1.6.20 RELEASED ON 2020-10-08 Validate coupons only if there are items in the cart. WC 4.5 compatibility. Enable automatic translations. Version 1.6.19 RELEASED ON 2020-08-19 WordPress 5.5 compatibility. Version 1.6.18 RELEASED ON 2020-06-10 WC 4.2 compatibility. Version 1.6.17 RELEASED ON 2020-05-05 Sort brands in shortcode list by brand name instead of slug. Version 1.6.16 RELEASED ON 2020-04-29 WC 4.1 compatibility. Version 1.6.15 RELEASED ON 2020-03-04 WC 4.0 compatibility. Version 1.6.14 RELEASED ON 2020-02-18 Remove legacy code. Version 1.6.13 RELEASED ON 2020-02-04 Use proper escaping for attributes. Version 1.6.12 RELEASED ON 2020-01-16 WC 3.9 compatibility. Version 1.6.11 RELEASED ON 2019-11-04 WC 3.8 compatibility. Version 1.6.10 RELEASED ON 2019-08-08 WC 3.7 compatibility. Version 1.6.9 RELEASED ON 2019-07-02 allows to filter products by brand id Added third argument for woocommerce_shortcode_products_query filter to fix fatal error. Version 1.6.8 RELEASED ON 2019-04-16 WC 3.6 compatibility. Version 1.6.7 RELEASED ON 2019-02-13 Attribute filter counts when a brand filter is active in layered navigation. Version 1.6.6 RELEASED ON 2019-01-29 Add REST api endpoint back to the v2 space. Version 1.6.5 RELEASED ON 2019-01-07 Remove CSS classes from strings that can be translated. woocommerce-brands-nulled-LATEST.zip 22 Uncategorized