February 21, 2023 WooCommerce Mix and Match Products v2.4.7 Free Download – Download Free WooCommerce Mix and Match Products v2.4.7 Nulled 1.1 Adaptive Pricing 1.2 Flexible Delivery 1.3 Customizable Templates 2 WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Nulled Changelog Download Free WooCommerce Mix and Match Products v2.4.7 Nulled WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Free Download v.2.4.7 – WooCommerce | WooCommerce Mix and Match Products v2.4.7 Nulled is premium integration addon for WooCommerce plugin to enhance your functionality. Selling instances of wine? Fruit baskets? Mix and Match Nulled is perfect for supplying similar goods in bulk containers. Fantastic for encouraging clients to purchase in bulk with no forcing them to get items which don’t interest them. woocommerce-mix-and-match-products-nulled.zip (LATEST) You specify the size limitation of this variety (number of things necessary to”complete” a container or package ) and specify which items must be offered to select, although your customer maintains total control over the amount of individual products being packed together. Do not enjoy sugar donuts? A custom can dictate her dozen with Boston cremes instead. Desire five t-shirts, but do not look good in yellow? A client can purchase 3 red and two blue. The option is totally in the hands of the client! Mix and Match Nulled supports promoting simple products and product variants as part of a container. You can allow as many or as few things as you want to be accessible in any given Mix and Match variety. Adaptive Pricing Mix and Match assortments may have a static cost or be costly each item and totalled. Flexible Delivery Mix and Match assortments may be sent together in 1 package, sent separately, or not sent in any way. Products from the Mix and Match Nulled variety are inventory-managed like standalone earnings, and the Mix and Match merchandise container may be stock-managed, also. Customizable Templates Once setup, a Mix and Match product Nulled visually seems like some bundled merchandise. Clients see a listing of available products and therefore are permitted to build their assortment in almost any configuration. Each region of the table (along with the table ) could be customized through template overrides, like the remainder of WooCommerce. Demo https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-mix-and-match-products/ Download Links woocommerce-mix-and-match-products-nulled.zip (LATEST) WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Nulled Changelog Version 2.4.1 RELEASED ON 2023.02.10 Add string to prompt users to change configuration when editing container. Switch admin notes check to a daily schedule. Version 2.4.0 RELEASED ON 2023.02.09 optimized layout for small screens, see settings in Customizer. Optional plus/minus buttons, see settings in Customizer. Display category description when listing child products by category. Reapply discounts/coupons after editing a Mix and Match product in order admin. Move category title text to a template. Move template includes from after_setup_theme to template_redirect hook for better compat with Customzier. instantiate product objects and easier extensibility for validating in other contexts (such as weight). But extreme caution if you were using these classes for any custom purposes. Version 2.3.1 RELEASED ON 2023.01.19 item pricing. #434. Version 2.3.0 RELEASED ON 2023.01.16 PHP 7.2 is required. Tested up to WooCommerce 7.3.0. quantity.php template. Correctly parse hierarchical child category IDs. Closes #470. Add static className to item data for better blocks compat. Closes #468. Missing export data for layout override and weight calculation. height product images. product overrides when viewing customizer. description. Fixed a fatal error that was triggered when using PHP v8 and using Cart/Checkout Blocks. details’. Audit CSS styles to remove as much explicit padding/margin as possible. extensions. Add woocommerce_product_loop_title_classes filter for parity with core. end styles for mobile first. Center align quantity inputs in Storefront theme. container.child_items in script is now an ARRAY. Please check if doing very advanced custom Javascript modifications. Rename WC_MNM_Container.validation_context property to validation_mode. added. Introduce wc_mnm_center_align_quantity filter. Version 2.2.2 RELEASED ON 2022.11.07 charging for child items when ordering again. #466. end validation allow overfilled container to be reduced. #461. Child Category IDs are not imported. #467. Make get_child_item_by_product_id() method public. Version 2.2.1 RELEASED ON 2022.10.24 Use core cart functions for detecting parent/child relationships in cart item filters. extensions. Admin edit orders, handle updates with no changes. Version 2.2.0 RELEASED ON 2022.10.24 Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.0. Declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables. Convert container order item editing to use reuasable ajax callbacks and templates. Fixes display issues in admin and allows for extensibility. Add get_permalink() and get_title() methods/filters to WC_MNM_Child_Item class. query_child_items_by_container() to optionally change format of returned data. Add `wc_mnm_category_caption` hook for displaying info about the category titles when using category contents. Invalid array_key_exists() syntax in custom db 2.0 upgrade function. Flatsome theme grid classes. Stop saving duplicate meta keys. Upgrade routine to clean up duplicate data. Restore photoSwipe modal for themes that support it. Thumbnail and short description live previews in Customizer. Prevent child item stock from being reduced when editing Mix and Match products in configurable orders. filters/error codes, please test accordingly. Remove quantity inputs for child items in cart block (show per container quantity in title). container quantity in checkout block. Add styles to order edit modal. Modify $.wc_mnm_form() script to 1. not require passing objects to initialize, 2. define properties in intialize() method so they can be reattached. 3. return the current element for script chaining. Introduce `wc_mnm_product_container_types` filter for testing if product is Mix and Match type. For future extensibilty. Admin functions for generating enhanced searches and toggle fields. Admin Simplify relational hide/show fields in metabox via classnames. Introduce wc_mnm_form_classes filter for element classes. Version 2.1.3 RELEASED ON 2022.09.05 Fatal error in update cart validation via CoCart Add check that product still exists in update cart validation. Version 022.08.31 RELEASED ON 2022.08.31 end. Quantity input should default to child minimum if one exists. live=”polite” on status message. Apply Flatsome compatibility classes only in grid layout. style error notices for individual child items. Add query_id parameter to wc_get_products() params when querying child items by category. Version 2.1.1 RELEASED ON 2022.08.09 end status price display. Replace deprecated jQuery.isFunction() Version 022.07.25 RELEASED ON 2022.07.25 Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0. Filter woocommerce_subscriptions_switch_link_text in Subs 4.5.0 Add `wc_mnm_editing_container_in_order_configuration` filter. Add validation to editing container configuration in order admin. Only apply switch link changes to Mix and Match products. Quantity input display when min=max. #438. WC_MNM_Install does not exist when WooCommerce is not active. width display. #441. Make reset link behaves more like “clear”. Remove duplicate value attribute from add to cart button. Add alt class to reset button. Add support for changing frontend validation messages based on context. Version 2.0.10 RELEASED ON 2022.07.12 Fatal error in cart, undefined function esc_html__x(). version_compare() with null as first param is deprecated in php 8.1 #436 Metabox link to run upgrade, will actually run upgrade and not scroll to top. #435 Do not prompt upgrade routine on new installs. 27 Uncategorized