May 16, 2023 WooCommerce Order Tags v2.1.3 Nulled – WooCommerce Order TagsFree Download WooCommerce Order Tags Nulled v2.1.3 | WooCommerce Order Tags v2.1.3 Free Download with this extension you create order tags Nulled which can be automatically and/or manually assigned to your orders. When you have a successful eCommerce store, managing orders can be a time-consuming process. Keeping track of orders and processing them efficiently is fundamental to customers receiving their orders as quickly as possible. Order tags Nulled are visible on the list of orders and within the order details page, you can easily filter orders by tags and bulk assign tags. Adding order tags means you can easily see which orders have met specific criteria without clicking into each order, reviewing the order details, and returning to the orders list. This is a huge time saver and can even open up possibilities not previously possible. WooCommerce Order Tags Features 2 WooCommerce Order Tags Free Download Links 3 Changelog WooCommerce Order Tags Nulled 4 WooCommerce Order Tags Free Download WooCommerce Order Tags Features Dashboard Add or edit order tags Automatic tagging Manual tagging Tags displayed on orders Filter orders by tag WooCommerce Order Tags Free Download Links Changelog WooCommerce Order Tags Nulled Version 2.1.0 RELEASED ON 2023-03-03 Set if product meta data option allowing orders to be set based on if the order contains a product which has specific meta data Meta data related field descriptions Minor development assets WooCommerce tested up to 7.4.1 Version 2.0.1 RELEASED ON 2022-12-23 WooCommerce tested up to 7.2.2 WordPress requires at least 5.4.0 WordPress tested up to 6.1.1 Version 022-08-23 RELEASED ON 2022-08-23 This is a milestone release, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog and we recommend performing this upgrade on a staging environment and testing before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading Set if meta data option allowing order tags to be set based on any order based meta data Set if product tag option allowing order tags to be set if products in order have specific tag(s) != operator to set if fields where number based operators used Warning alert if trying to save an order tag without any “Set On” conditions Set if customer, product and product category select2 fields on edit order tag screen now get data via AJAX request to increase performance Enqueue of admin.js asset so limited to edit order tag screens for efficiency UX improvements on edit order tag screen Manage order tags notice to be more descriptive WordPress tested up to version 6.0.1 WooCommerce tested up to version 6.8.1 Edit order tag screen may become unresponsive for large stores with huge amounts of customer, product and/or product category data Version 1.7.0 RELEASED ON 2022-06-24 Field descriptions on “set on” options when editing an order tag WooCommerce tested up to version 6.6.1 Setting of order tags may not work in some scenarios due to $order object not yet including all required data to set tags Subscriptions (posts with shop_subscription post type but not orders with subscriptions or renewal orders derived from a subscription) may incorrectly have had order tags set when should not, only orders based off the subscription should have order tags set Version 1.6.1 RELEASED ON 2022-05-28 Order tags menu has been moved and can now be found under the WooCommerce menu item in the WordPress dashboard as opposed to the parent menu item in previous versions, this is to meet WooCommerce guidelines on extension menu structures Select fields on the edit order tag page now include the ID of products, categories, customers, payment/shipping methods, etc to allow options to be differentiated/found quicker Order tags menu moved to sub item of WooCommerce menu item WordPress tested up to version 6.0.0 WooCommerce tested up to version 6.5.1 Version 1.6.0 RELEASED ON 2022-04-30 This version changes the order placed/update hooks previously used to woocommerce_new_order and woocommerce_update_order to ensure order tags get set succesfully for order placement/update functionality when third party themes, plugins, custom development, etc including WooCommerce API attempt this, we recommend performing this upgrade on a staging environment and testing before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading Order tags now get set when WooCommerce API used to place/update orders Testing related files e.g. composer.json, phpcs.xml, etc for development purposes Code refactoring WordPress tested up to 5.9.3 WooCommerce tested up to version 6.4.1 Order tags may not be set depending on order tag conditions and order data when using order list bulk actions Order tags not set if website does not use the woocommerce_thankyou hook Order tags not set if order updated through functionality where the woocommerce_process_shop_order_meta hook is not used Version 1.5.0 RELEASED ON 2022-03-25 This version includes several changes to asset enqueues, upgrade conditions and more, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog, it is recommended you perform this upgrade on a staging environment before upgrading the extension on a production website, clear all caches after upgrading to ensure all assets are reloaded Set if order status WCOT_Order_Tags_Translation class Minified CSS/JS assets created and enqueued WooCommerce not installed/activated notice CSS assets now SCSS tags used around default color and filter hook information when editing a tag Enqueues plugins_url function calls so folder name not included that could effect installations where folder renamed Upgrade conditions now use version_compare WordPress tested up to version 5.9.2 WooCommerce tested up to version 6.3.1 Translations may not load due to load_plugin_textdomain not hooked on init Version 1.4.0RELEASED ON 2021-11-13 Set order tags via bulk actions on orders list wcot_order_tags_get_all_order_tags() function should be define taxonomy via the taxonomy argument in an arguments array WordPress tested up to version 5.8.2 WooCommerce tested up to 5.9.0 Order subscription renewals may not set shipping instances/zones based order tags filter() does not use wcot_order_tags_get_all_order_tags() function Version 1.3.0RELEASED ON 2021-09-08 Set on order subscription renewal WooCommerce Subscriptions compatibility WooCommerce tested up to 5.6.0 Version 1.2.1RELEASED ON 2021-08-07 Bulk set order tags functionality to allow set of order tags in bulk on all orders via wcot_order_tags_set_tags_bulk query var, see documentation for details set_tags_bulk() function to WCOT_Order_Tags_Set class Order tag may fail set depending on order type when customer is a guest Order tag can lose it’s settings on edit depending on server setup potentially due to term caching and/or slow $wpdb query Order tags dashboard menu item may not be highlighted depending on use of other plugins/extensions parent_file filters and their priorities Order tag set may throw fatal error/PHP notices if attempted to be set on a refund order id using custom development Version 1.2.0RELEASED ON 2021-08-05 Set if customer role Set if payment method Set if product Set if product category Set if mode wcot_order_tags_customer_roles filter to allow inclusion of customers with custom roles in set if customer field Tag field descriptions Return less customer data when querying customers on order tag edit for performance WordPress tested up to version 5.8 WooCommerce tested up to version 5.5.2 PHP undefined variable notice when placing orders for virtual products order confirmation screen if set if shipping method used Version 1.1.3RELEASED ON 2021-07-30 Assigning tag via shipping method may cause undefined method error Version 1.1.2RELEASED ON 2021-07-24 wcpot_order_tag_taxonomy_args has incorrect prefix Version 1.1.1RELEASED ON 2021-07-18 Hyphen character to tag column on orders list if no order tags so consistent with WordPress Field descriptions line height on tag edit Field descriptions to be more descriptive on tag edit Checkbox expand box styling on tag edit so consistent with WordPress styling Setting description typos Changelog dates incorrect Version 1.1.0RELEASED ON 2021-07-17 Set if shipping method instance setting Set if shipping zone setting “Set on” setting description Title tooltip to use WooCommerce tooltips as opposed to title attribute Minor order tag display styling tweaks Order tags may still be applied after customer, shipping method/zone deletion until order tag updated Version 1.0.0RELEASED ON 2021-06-23 Initial release WooCommerce Order Tags Free Download 42 Uncategorized