February 24, 2023 WordPress FlipBook v1.15.5 Free Download – WordPress FlipBook Nulled Free Download Free Download WordPress FlipBook v1.15.5 1.1 REALISTIC VIEW 1.2 NATURAL BEHAVIOUR 1.3 FLEXIBLE PAGE CORNERS 1.4 SKINS SUPPORT 1.5 SMART PAN 2 WordPress FlipBook Nulled Changelog Free Download WordPress FlipBook v1.15.5 WordPress FlipBook Free Download v1.15.5 | WordPress FlipBook Nulled v1.15.5 | 3D FlipBook Nulled is WordPress plugin that allows to browse images, PDFs or HTMLs as a flipping book. It can be used for demonstration magazines, books, cards, brochures, booklets and much more in natural way. It helps to attract user attention and make more impression on him. wordpress-flipbook-Nulled.zip (LATEST) REALISTIC VIEW 3D FlipBook Nulled allows to create volume book, with page thickness. It is the most exact computer model of a book or a magazine from real world. The plugin is able to simulate book opening process.Modeled flipbook repeat the same actions as its real prototype:while the cover is opening or closing the internal flipbook pages are deforming as it happens in real life.The deformation can be customized. You can reduce it or switch off. NATURAL BEHAVIOUR The plugin is called 3D FlipBook Nuled, for sure, it can perform page flipping animation.But this is very common ability so all typical plugins are able to do it.3D FlipBook allows to customize the shape of flipping pages but it is still not enough to be unique.The main feature is using specially designed physics engine that perform all interaction with a user.This engine is based on physics laws so all user actions with the flipbook seems realistic.3D FlipBook Nulled allows you drag and throw pages together. The engine solve the collisions and show natural scene. Physics engine has a lot of properties: gravity, mass, flexibility, page flipping velocities and much more.But it is little necessary to know for using the plugin because all those properties have default presets. FLEXIBLE PAGE CORNERS The main goal of 3D FlipBook Nulled is maximum user friendly. Main key of being friendly is behave in habitual for user way.How are we used to turn pages in books? – of course it is dragging a page while holding a corner!3D FlipBook is one known 3D flipbook plugin that has such feature. SKINS SUPPORT Supporting skins makes 3D FlipBook Nulled customization very easy. It is necessary just to choose appropriate skin and that is all.Now there are available skins for light and dark themes – the most universal ones. SMART PAN 3D FlipBook has smart algorithm to show the book in maximum comfortable and appropriate for user way.Flipbook automatically chooses book scale and alignment on the screen, disallows user to drag the book out of view port.The pan makes only smooth moves that seems very friendly for user. All these abilities help the book to look richer. Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/interactive-3d-flipbook-powered-physics-engine-wordpress-plugin/19389832 WordPress FlipBook Free Download wordpress-flipbook-Nulled.zip (LATEST) WordPress FlipBook Nulled Changelog Changelog 1.15.1 Allowed editing PDF URL in Flipbook editor Lightbox refactoring Flipbook editor styles optimization Two new predefined flipbook styles 1.15.0 Visual page editor: AdSense, Audio, HTML, Link, iFrame, Image, Video, YouTube Skin: updated design, added fade effect Book background: color, image, CSS style PDF links highlighting Book 3d lighting options Book gallery: mobile layout and center alignment New commands: Goto first/last page Order by last modified imported from media gallery files Max book depth, limit for book thickness that recalculates cover and page depth WP multisite: creating table for book pages Fixed issues in PDF printing 1.14.0 Book templates Custom bookmarks Auto play Custom slug for plugin default page WebP images Improved displaying loading animation from skin 1.13.4 Escaping echo content 1.13.3 Defense of shortcode parameters from a untrusted user input 1.13.2 Optimized PDF rendering, especially when zoom is changing 1.13.0 Real colors Book shadow Toolbar shadow Improved quality on mobile devices Fixed rendering artifact: a line between pages Fixed double tap on links Added creation in hidden elements Extra paddings for zoomed view Auto resolution: added min and max resolution Binder zero thickness Book thumbnail: using image from media gallery instead of it’s thumbnail Inline size calculation on mobiles the same as on desktops Plugin settings: thumbnail height option Plugin settings: Google Analytics 1.12.5 Resolved issue with squares instead of buttons in Safari 1.12.4 Initializing plugin from plugins_loaded 1.12.3 Short links were removed 1.12.2 Fixed mouse events issue for CSS layers 1.12.1 Added nonce field to avoid CSRF attack Removed unused code 1.12.0 Added new asymmetrical flip animation Fixed graphic artifacts between pages Arrow keys were binded on book pages turning Added web page scrolling when user swipe book pages Added web page scrolling by mouse wheel when book zoom is not available Updated PDFJS library to 2.5.207 Fixed XSS issue 1.11.5 Logo was removed THREEJS was updated to 104 rev for Safari 15 compatibility 1.11.3 Using react library from WordPress js includes if it is defined otherwise register react 17.0.2 from the plugin folder (actual for old WordPress) 1.11.2 Using react library from WordPress js includes 1.11.1 Share link and social buttons 1.10.27 Font loading patch for Safari (buttons disappearing fixed) 1.10.26 Supporting Unicode in filenames 1.10.25 Order for importing pages 1.10.24 The same scale for all pages Toolbar moved below the book 1.10.23 Skins refactoring Book option: interactive corners 1.10.22 Option in settings: where to initialize the plugin Function FB3D_CLIENT_LOCALE.render() for manual rendering unrendered plugin instances (after Ajax) Encoding plugin data 1.10.21 ReactJS library was updated to 17.0.2 1.10.20 Pro version auto updates Book editor details are wrapped in iframe to avoid conflicts with other plugins 1.10.19 Added query parameter: [3d-flip-book mode=”thumbnail-lightbox” query='{“orderby”: “date”, “order”: “ASC”}’ cols=”3″ tax=””][/3d-flip-book], see all options: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/ 38 Uncategorized