February 15, 2023 WordPress Store Locator v1.9.0 » Premium Scripts, Plugins & Mobile Did you know that nearly 45% of revenue stays in local stores? Use this as an advantage and add a store locator your product pages. With our WordPress Store Locator Plugin you can give your Customers the opportunity to buy your products in a local store! Show the store locator on your product page or embed it on a dealer locator page and increase your sales! Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-store-locator/15762057 https://www58.zippyshare.com/v/5A4cwVCr/file.html http://ul.to/2hc0hx74 http://uploadboy.me/uctcvs5bzlxa/woostorelocator-190.rar.html https://sendit.cloud/7bzym89rif7z https://oload.stream/f/p1u9MWJbW1M/woostorelocator-190.rar https://nofile.io/f/fegm376PZcC https://www.mirrored.to/files/RPZ5VDD0/woostorelocator-190.rar_links http://www.mediafire.com/?4fzc02uau5iq46d https://ddl.to/cprpegrianps https://dbr.ee/knQT https://dailyuploads.net/uz5xz701leus https://bayfiles.com/l7o2VfV5me https://anonfile.com/o4o1V6V9mfThis file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done) 32 Uncategorized