January 10, 2023 Wowonder Android Messenger v4.9 Download – Wowonder Android Messenger wowonder-android-messenger-nulled-LATEST.zip WoWonder Android Messenger is an Android chat application for WoWonder PHP social network, with WoWonder Android Messenger users, can chat together on their mobile phones using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun! WoWonder Mobile is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. User Features: 2 Wowonder Android Messenger Nulled Free Download User Features: ِAudio/ Video call. Send, receive messages. Full Group chat system Find nearby users using GPS Registration pages and steps. Share & upload images, Sound Recourd. Offline access to all messages and recent conversions. Update chat status. Explore New user’s & Friends. Control Your Privacy. Control Your Settings. Change Profile information. Encrypted chat system. Pin & Archive chat conversation. Explore user’s profiles and status. ِ30+ new features. wowonder-android-messenger-nulled-LATEST.zip Wowonder Android Messenger Nulled Free Download Updates (Android Stable Version 4.7) 4 February 2023 [Migrated] To Net7.0 – Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33 [Added] Last Exo player version. [Improved ] Data loading on the last message. [Improved ] APK Size 20%. [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.6) 15 December 2022 [Added] New UI/UX design for all the app [Added] 2 Chat windows Themes. [Improved ] Data loading on the last message. [Improved ] APK Size 20%. [Improved ] Open chat window slow issue. [Improved ] Socket Updates and connection issues. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.5) 25 September 2022 [Migrated] To android 12.1 SDK + build tools 32. [Update] AdColony,OneSignal. [Update] Google Services. [Update] For multiple packages. [Fixed] 14+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.4) 16 July 2022 [Update] New cert key required. [Update] AdColony,OneSignal. [Update] Google Services. [Update] For multiple packages. [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.3) 30 May 2022 [Added] Multi-select image during send. [Added] Multi-acount system similar to telegram. [New] Theme design for user profile. [New] Theme tabbed design for main page. [New] Theme design for settings. [New] Theme design for add story. [Added] Ability to find username using ”@” . [Improved] App loading . [Update] New cert key required. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.2) 28 February 2022 [Added] Chat is allowed or not privacy. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.1 ) 12 February 2022 [Added] New sticker system. [Added] Ability to auto-download media. [Integrated] Socket to Group and Pages chats. [Integrated] Socket to text story reply. [Update] AOT custom profile. [Update] Google services. [Update] New Cert key. [Update] Multiple packages. [Improved] APK Size using dex compiler dx and d8. [Fixed] Favorite message issue. [Fixed] Few UI issues and styles. [Fixed] Crash issue on app on android 7. [Fixed] MaterialComponents on Android 12. [Fixed] Ffmpeg with all SDK version and all CPU type. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 4.0 ) 29 November 2021 [Migrated] To Android 12 SDK + Build tools 31.. [Added] Auto Downloud on wifi or mobile data. [Added] Fingerprint lock. [Added] Ability to control more ads system. [Added] Video editor when sending message or story. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. (Android Stable Version 3.9 ) 26 October 2021 [Fixed] Empty line from text comment. [Fixed] Show gift image. [Fixed] Socket connection issues. [Fixed] Share message file. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs. Android ( Stable Version 3.8) 4 September 2021 [Added] Toast warning for adult images. [Added] Socket connection for reaction message. [Added] Socket connection for a reply message. [Added] Socket connection for a group message. [Added] Socket connection for a page message. [Added] One tab chat or multi tabs. [Update] for multiple packages and framworks. [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs Android ( Stable Version 3.7) 18 August 2021 [Added] End-to-end Encrypted chat system. [Added] Text on message when forwarded it. [Added] Static port socket server in App settings. [Added] One tab chat or multi tabs. [Update] for multiple packages and framworks. [Fixed] 5+ Reported bugs Android ( Stable Version 3.6) 10 July 2021 [Added] Support for Android 11 SDK. [Added] Socket system for Chat. [Added] Ability to swich between socket and API connections. [Added] Ability to check vision Image. [Added] Ability to react on messages. [Added] Ability to reply on messages. [Added] Ability to view upload progress on images and videos. [Added] Gradient theme color on chat bubbles. [Added] Pending clock when seding messages. [Added] New style to select attachments media. [Added] AdsColony for money earning. [Fixed] Send message from page. [Fixed] Show gif message. [Fixed] Forward messages. [Fixed] Scroll list message issue. [Update] For multiple packages and framworks. [Update] Twilio & Agora Call System [Fixed] 15+ Reported bugs 42 Uncategorized