April 3, 2023 WP Virtual Assistant v2.913 Nulled – Download Free WP A.I Assistant – WordPress Plugin v2.913 2 Features 3 WP Virtual Assistant Free Download Link Download Free WP A.I Assistant – WordPress Plugin v2.913 WP A.I Assistant – WordPress Plugin Free Download Nulled v2.913 – CodeCanyon | WP A.I Assistant v v2.913 – WordPress Plugin adds a great virtual smart assistant on your website and it allows you to easily program his A.I from a powerful visual system. An assistant can easily be created to intelligently sell products, guide them on the website and advise and inform your customers etc. … It can easily show elements of the website, send the discussion to admin by email, redirect to specific pages, send all the interactions to a specific PHP page (useful to fill a form with the user’s answers). wp-a-i-assistant-wordpress-plugin-nulled-LATEST.zip This single WordPress plug-in will easily program his AIs from a powerful visual framework by adding a virtual smart helpers to your website. An helpers can be created to sell goods intelligently, provide advice and advice, direct the clients on the website, etc. It can display website elements, redirect to particular pages, send the conversation to the manager by e-mail, and send all interactions to a particular php page (useful to fill the user response forms).. The debate consists of measures. The text, actions and interactions (text fields, number fields, dropdown selects, buttons…) can be presented in every stage. Features Effectively help your customers with this awesome virtual assistant Intuitive and powerful conditional system Change the style of the assistant from backend Easily replace the graphics of avatars by yours from backend directly from backend (1 image for the avatar, 1 for the talking mouth) Possible actions for each steps : Redirect to a page Execute Javascript code Show an element Send an email of the dialog Send past interactions as post variables to a page Possible interactions for each steps : Text fields Number fields Selects dropdown Buttons Assistant can be positioned to the bottom right or left corner of the screen WPML ready : translate all your assistant texts from WPML English & French backend translations included Import/Export all your data Do preview before enable your assistant on the website Compatible with WP Creative Banners Builder Reactive support ! Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/wp-ai-assistant/10070762 WP Virtual Assistant Free Download Link wp-a-i-assistant-wordpress-plugin-nulled-LATEST.zip 19 CodeCanyon