January 14, 2023 WPForms Pro Nulled v1.8.2 + All Addons – WPForms ProFree Download WPForms Pro Nulled v1.8.2 | WpForms Pro WordPress Form Builder Plugin Nulled v1.8.2 is a nice form builder, and it really is beginner-friendly, but the high price for the Pro plan (which you need to get the best features) can really be a problem. The truth is, there are cheaper alternatives that offer the same options. Read the full review to find out which ones I recommend. wpforms-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip WPForms Nulled is one of the most popular form builders for WordPress – in fact, many premium WordPress themes automatically install and activate WPForms. It has more than 3 million active installations and is available in 14 languages (including English, Dutch, German, French, Russian, and Spanish). It’s a WordPress-only form builder that you can install for free from the WordPress plugins repository, but the free version (known as WPForms Lite) is quite limited. To use the most valuable features, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the higher-priced plans. If your WordPress theme came with WPForms Nulled pre-installed, should you stick with it or choose an alternative WordPress form builder, like NinjaForms Nulled or CaptainForm? Keep reading for an honest review of WPForms’ features – and find out whether the paid version is worth it. WPForms Nulled offers a fairly standard set of form builder features. All the essential features, such as unlimited forms and unlimited form submissions, multi-page forms, spam protection, and dynamic form fields using conditional logic, are included in all paid plans. The free version has a limited number of form fields and is only really suitable for basic contact forms. WPForms Pro Free Download Link 2 WpForms Pro Addons List 3 Changelog WPForms Pro Nulled WPForms Pro Free Download Link wpforms-pro-nulled-LATEST.zip WpForms Pro Addons List WPForms Pro v1.8.1.2 WPForms Form Locker v2.4.0 WPForms Custom Captcha v1.7.0 WPForms Offline Forms v1.2.3 WPForms Sendinblue v1.2.0 WPForms User Journey v1.0.6 WPForms Basic v1.6.7 WPForms Get Response v1.5.0 WPForms Mailchimp v2.2.1 WPForms Multilingual v0.3.3 WPForms Stripe v2.11.0 WPForms Geolocation v2.4.0 WPForms PayPal Standard v1.6.0 WPForms Form Abandonment v1.7.1 WPForms Conversational Forms v1.10.0 WPForms Surveys and Polls v1.11.0 WPForms User Registration v2.1.0 WPForms Signatures v1.7.0 WPForms Drip v1.6.0 WPForms Campaign Monitor v1.2.2 WPForms Form Pages v1.6.0 WPForms Post Submissions v1.4.0 WPForms Repeater Field v1.3.0 WPForms Aweber v1.3.1 WPForms Zapier v1.5.0 WPForms Save and Resume v1.5.0 WPForms MailerLite v1.0.1 WPForms ActiveCampaign Addon v1.5.0 WPForms SalesForce v1.2.0 WPForms PayPal Commerce v1.2.1 WPForms Authorize.Net v1.5.0 WPForms Google Sheets v1.1.0 WPForms for AMP v1.3.13 WPForms Lead Forms v1.1.0 WPForms Square v1.4.0 Changelog WPForms Pro Nulled (2023-01-11) Fixed: Layout fields were not shown when they were on any page other than the first page of a multi-page form and conditional logic was enabled on at least one field within the Layout field. Fixed: Incorrect spacing around the Submit button in the Form Builder was fixed. Fixed: Missing assets were added to the plugin. 1.7.9 (2023-01-03) Added: Icon Choices feature for Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Checkbox Items, and Multiple Items payment fields – a selection of 2000+ icons can now be used with your choices! Changed: Avoid rendering the WPForms Import admin page if the user lacks unfiltered_html capability. Changed: Respect site settings for displaying avatars on the Revisions screen in the Form Builder. Changed: Minor CSS adjustments on the Entry details page. Changed: Color picker fields in the Form Builder are now correctly handling default colors. Changed: In the form Notifications you can now set up the Reply-To Name value in addition to the Reply-To Email using a special format. Changed: Updated jquery-confirm library to 3.3.4. Fixed: Improved a preview for the Classic File Upload field in the Form Builder. Fixed: Prevent field duplication in the Form Builder performed multiple times when clicking fast inside the confirmation modal. Fixed: Action links were rendered on two lines in the admin dashboard widget. Fixed: The content editor option in HTML mode was not visible when the Content field was added inside the Layout field. Fixed: Buttons of the content editor option in Visual mode didn’t have hotkey texts in their tooltips when the Content field was added. Fixed: Email notification was not able to show the submitted Content field value. Fixed: Text and image styles were not applied to the Content field value on the Entry Print Preview page. Fixed: WordPress VIP platform users were unable to export form entries. Fixed: Styles for the Content field editor were not applied when the field had been placed in the Layout field in Firefox. Fixed: The content field disappeared if it was duplicated inside the Layout field. Fixed: A blank space was showing when all of the fields inside of a Layout field were hidden using the Conditional Logic. Fixed: PHP notices were generated when form locations logic ran for unregistered post types. Fixed: Not all WPForms-specific data was removed from the database when the Settings > Misc > Uninstall option was enabled. Fixed: The Embed modal performance in the Form Builder was improved a lot when there are a ton of pages on a site. Fixed: The confirmation message for non-AJAX form submissions wasn’t wrapped into the main form container. Fixed: In the Layout field, its last column on the right side was always wider than other columns. Fixed: Improved compatibility with Elementor popups v3.9+. Fixed: Notification email suggestion didn’t work properly in WordPress installed in a subdomain. Fixed: The license key was incorrectly processed when set in the wp-config.php file. Fixed: {page_title} smart tag was conflicting with the wpSEO plugin. Fixed: Better compatibility with the Popup Maker plugin. Fixed: Activate the first form page with an error after failed form submission for AJAX forms. 1.7.8 (2022-11-09) Added: Introducing a completely new Content field to help you easily add formatted text to your forms. Added: Submitted files can now be attached to the notification email, that is configurable on the Form Builder > Notifications screen. Added: All anti-spam protection settings are grouped in one place in the Form Builder > Settings for easier access. Added: You can now completely block form submissions from certain countries. Added: You can also block form submissions that contain particular keywords. Added: New hooks at the beginning and end of each pag e of the Page Break field Changed: Recently added Form Templates are now available in the “New Templates” category. Changed: Non-responsive (desktop) version of the Form Builder is not accessible on mobile devices. Fixed: jQuery deprecation notices were triggered in the browser’s console. Fixed: Close button in dropdowns was displayed incorrectly in certain places. Fixed: A PHP warning was raised on certain site configurations when the user tried to submit a form. Fixed: Toggle control animation was working incorrectly in certain cases. Fixed: Required fields were still highlighted as incomplete after being filled on the Form Builder > Marketing screen. Fixed: Text was overlapping the down arrow on dropdowns in the 2021 theme. Fixed: The Currency field dropdown went outside of the page border in the Form Builder. Fixed: WPForms Challenge user experience was improved. Fixed: Smart tag list was too big in fields with warnings. Fixed: Some input masks caused the text in the Text field to be right-aligned. Fixed: Compatibility with the 2023 theme was improved. Fixed: Search was incorrectly processing the `0` term when performed on the Entries Overview page. Fixed: Entry Preview functionality didn’t work on the Form Preview page when Conversational Forms was enabled. Fixed: A PHP warning related to the Entry CSV Attachment was raised when navigating through different form revisions. Fixed: Entry CSV Attachment settings were not saved properly when saved too quickly after the page load. (2022-10-12) Added: There is a new filter wpforms_builder_panel_sidebar_section_classes to change builder panel sidebar section classes. Changed: Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.0. Fixed: Placeholder text in the Dropdown field was cut off in the Form Builder. Fixed: The Form Builder had an inconsistent text string escaping. Fixed: The information about “no form templates to display” did not disappear when a category was changed. (2022-10-05) Fixed: Email Notifications options for completed payments were displayed in an incorrect place – below the Settings > Notifications > Advanced section in the Form Builder. Fixed: Very long field labels were not wrapped and were breaking mid-word. 1.7.7 (2022-09-27) Added: Introducing a completely new Layout field to help you build advanced form layouts that automatically adjust to the users’ screen size. Added: All templates are now available on our new Form Templates admin page. Added: Form Templates can now be marked as favorite for easier access inside the Form Builder. Added: The form fields column can now be collapsed in the Form Builder to give more space to the form preview panel. Added: Form submission values can now be attached as a CSV file to the notification email. You can set it up on the Form Builder > Notifications screen. Changed: The DB tables row in the Site Health Info section is now private which means it’s excluded from the copied data when the “Copy site info to clipboard” button is clicked. Fixed: Selected columns were not centered in the Entries Field Columns dropdown. Fixed: WPForms Challenge was displayed after a forms search with no result. Fixed: WPForms Challenge disappeared after selecting a template for the new form. Fixed: After a form submission a PHP warning was generated in some cases when the Akismet anti-spam protection setting was enabled. Fixed: Using allow/deny list was breaking input mask validation for all fields above the Email field. Fixed: An unusually long text string in the confirmation message caused layout problems due to overflow. Fixed: File upload field was broken in the Block Editor on WordPress 5.2-5.4. Fixed: The time value for the Date/Time field was not populated correctly on the Edit Entry page. Fixed: page_title smart tag was working inconsistently on a form preview page. Fixed: wpforms()->get( ‘entry’ )->get_entries() returned all entries when no entries were found. Fixed: From Email address check in the Form Builder > Notifications was incorrectly handling domain check containing the `www` prefix. Fixed: It was possible to execute exported field values as formulas in .csv and .xlsx files. Fixed: Input mask validation message didn’t use what was previously saved on the WPForms > Settings > Validation page. Fixed: On the Form builder, a template selection didn’t work if a page was translated through web extensions. 1.7.6 (2022-08-16) Added: Entries can now be checked against the Akismet API to prevent spam submissions. Added: When exporting entries on the Tools > Export page all items can be selected or deselected easily with a single click in Form Fields and Additional Information sections. Changed: Only 3 uploaded files are now displayed in the table on the Entries list page. Changed: Paragraph and multiline long values are properly truncated to improve readability on the Entries list page. Changed: Display fields available according to license level as active in the Form Builder, even if the required addon is not installed or activated. Changed: Single Item field placeholder option is now displayed only when a User Defined type is selected. Changed: The Date/Time field displays options from 01 to 12 instead of from 00 to 11 when the format is set to 12 H. Changed: Address field’ country name is now displayed instead of the country code throughout the plugin admin area. Changed: Empty post titles and term names in Dynamic Choices are now treated the way WordPress does. Changed: Modern Dropdown field fuzzy search sensitivity is adjusted to display only exact matches. Changed: Allow typing choices in the modern Dropdown field with the Multiple Options Selection option enabled. Changed: WPForms Challenge experience is improved for new users. Changed: Lite Connect is now disabled in non-production environments. Changed: Lite Connect functionality improves handling of staging and cloned sites, and changed domain names. Changed: Unnecessary PHP packages are no longer shipped in WPForms Lite. Changed: Stylesheets loaded in the Form Builder and on certain plugin pages are better optimized and shrank to improve performance. Changed: WPForms now better integrates with the WP Mail SMTP plugin to enable overriding From Name and From Email values in existing forms. Changed: Form Notifications now have better validation of From Email settings. Changed: Displaying and counting the total number of entries is improved across the admin area of the plugin. Changed: Start using new elementor/widgets/register hook introduced in Elementor 3.5.0. Changed: The intl-tel-input library has been updated to v17.0.17 to support more regions and area codes. Changed: Updated DOMPurify library to 2.3.10. Changed: Updated jquery.validate library to 1.19.5. Fixed: Improved compatibility with Twenty Twenty-Two theme. Fixed: No more missing form ID in the date dropdown id HTML attribute. Fixed: Added meaningful alt text to form submission spinner image to stop being flagged by certain SEO scanners. Fixed: Address field’s Country value on the Entries list page was truncated with the International scheme set. Fixed: Lite Connect import admin notice on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page was positioned incorrectly. Fixed: Page break titles overlapped on certain screen sizes when using the Connector progress indicator. Fixed: Single Item field Placeholder value was not updating correctly in the Form Builder preview. Fixed: Constant Contact Authorization Code and Account Nickname fields are now required on the Settings > Integrations page. Fixed: Constant Contact connection can now be added even if the Authorization Code is invalid. Fixed: Error occurred upon form submission when Time in Date/Time field was set to 00AM. Fixed: Fields that required unique answers did not work with page breaks. Fixed: A form with a smart Phone field that requires a unique value didn’t get submitted if the phone field value was invalid, even if the phone field was hidden by conditional logic. Fixed: Form cannot be submitted now until all uploads in separate modern File Upload fields are finished. Fixed: Conditional Logic was not working when the value was updated on paste from the clipboard. Fixed: Modern File Upload field was not fully cleared when hidden and shown again with Conditional Logic applied. Fixed: Validation of required fields on Marketing or Payment sections in the Form Builder was triggered even if the field is hidden. Fixed: Action Scheduler was triggering a PHP fatal error on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page on PHP 5.6. Fixed: Images breaking out of containers on smaller screens if Multiple Choice and Checkboxes fields were set to use image choices. Fixed: query_var smart tag was not working in Confirmations and Notifications. Fixed: Incorrect results were displayed when search by term was combined with a date filter. Fixed: Plugin and addons could not be updated via WP CLI. Fixed: Custom templates had an incorrect badge, “Addon” instead of “Custom”. Fixed: The Confirmation Message label overlapped the editor when WYSIWYG mode was disabled. Fixed: A list of IP addresses forwarded by Cloudflare or some other proxies could not be parsed if it contained spaces. Fixed: Default form title was not changed when switching form templates. Fixed: Both page_title and page_id smart tags were returning incorrect values on non-singular pages if the form was used outside the Loop. Fixed: WPForms Block preview (on block hover) was rendered incorrectly in Site Editor. Fixed: Users with roles other than Administrator could not see all export options even if they had sufficient permissions. Fixed: Display only those sections that the user has permissions to view and interact with on the WPForms > Tools page. Fixed: Rich Text field label was misplaced if positioned below the Single Line Text field with the Address Autocomplete option enabled. Fixed: Sorting entries by Total column worked incorrectly when combined with pagination. Fixed: User-uploaded files remained in the /uploads/wpforms/ directory when an Entry was deleted. Fixed: Partially uploaded user files were not deleted when the upload was interrupted or canceled. Fixed: Files with extensions containing an underscore or a hyphen were not supported by the File Upload field. Fixed: Custom validation errors were not displayed with hCaptcha enabled upon AJAX form submission. Fixed: Validation errors were not shown when the field with an input mask was not fully filled. Fixed: Duplicated entries were created in the database when an entry of the form with more than 30 fields was edited. Fixed: Smart Tags could be added to Sender Email and Sender Name if the fields were managed by the WP Mail SMTP plugin. Fixed: The Confirmation message block had incorrect margins in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme. Fixed: Occasional errors during migration were fixed when upgrading from some older versions of WPForms. Fixed: The Confirmation Redirect URL can no longer be saved with an empty value. Fixed: Default choices were displayed on the frontend if a Dynamic Choices source had no objects (Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Checkboxes fields were affected). 31 Uncategorized